Off Camera RAW Notes: WWE Trolls Crowd W/ Austin, Undertaker, X-Pac, Fandango (Video)

Thanks to one of our readers for sending in these notes from tonight's RAW:

* X-Pac was in a luxury box and got a nice pop.

* Obviously, the crowd was one of the hottest in RAW history. Some of the chants they were chanting tonight included "RVD," "Jerry," "Pretzels," "We Are Awesome," "Cotton Candy," "Randy Savage," "Mike Chioda...1.2..3!," "Same old sh-t" and even "Michael Cole."


* After The Undertaker – Shield segment, Kane, Undertaker and Daniel Bryan turned their back to the crowd to do the one arm up salute to a MASSIVE pop.

* The crowd was dead at the start of the Randy Orton – Sheamus match, but came to in a big way once the "Ole" chant started.

* After The Big Show – Orton – Sheamus segment, WWE apparently trolled the crowd and aired an old Steve Austin video with the glass shattering and the place went NUTS before they realized it was just a video package. Everybody was talking about how cruel that was.

* During Fandango's match, people were loudly chanting his theme. They continued to break into his theme during a break.

* After the show outside of the arena, there was a big Fandango sing off with everyone still chanting his theme.


