WWE Backlash: Chris Jericho vs. Ricky Steamboat

The following is from our live coverage of WWE Backlash here on WrestlingINC.com. For our full coverage of the event, click here

Chris Jericho vs. Ricky Steamboat

Jim Ross joins Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler for commentary.


Steamboat looks in good shape, better than he looked at WM 25. Steamboat gets the early advantage and takes charge with chops and his armdrags. Fans chanting 'You still got it' at Steamboat, and a small 'Y2J' chant breaks out.

At one point Jericho throws Steamboat out of the ring, but Steamboat skins the cat and gets back in but Jericho clotheslines him back out of the ring. Back in the ring, Jericho slaps Steamboat and berates him, telling him he's washed up and finished.

Jericho holds Steamboat in a side headlock for several minutes. Steamboat hits a back suplex trying to get out, but Jericho holds on to it.

Steamboat regains the advantage hitting Jericho with a belly to back suplex from the top turnbuckle. Steamboat goes back to work with chops and kicks and then a scoop slam for a two count.


Jericho turns it around and hits a running bulldog. He then went for a lionsault but Steamboat caught him and got Jericho on his shoulders and Jericho rolled him into the Walls. Steamboat was able to get out and put on a sloppy figure four. Jericho gets out and Steamboat hits a high crossbody from the top and gets a two count. Steamboat goes back to the top, but Jericho hits Steamboat with the codebreaker as Steamboat's coming off but Steamboat puts his foot on the rope at two. Jericho goes for a slam, but Steamboat rolls it into a small package ala his win over Randy Savage at WrestleMania 3. Jericho kicks out and gets the Walls in the center of the ring and Steamboat taps.

Winner via submission: Chris Jericho

After the match, the fans give Steamboat a good ovation.

