Partial WWE Superstars **SPOILERS** + Live Notes

* Santino Marella beats Zack Ryder
* Curt Hawkins beats JTG

After Raw:
* After (I'm assuming) RAW went off the air CM punk and R truth left, and while Cena and Rey were still in the ring the Miz comes out and demands Alex Riley comes out. Cena says, that as far as he's concerned Riley can stay back there, and although the GM said there's no more Cena VS Miz on Raw.. the shows over, and the Portland fans wouldn't mind hearing Miz say two words again and it's not "I'm Awsome" Wasn't a real match (no referee unless you count rey) and it was very quick when Cena put Miz in the STF and Rey held the mic to his face so Miz can say "I quit"... He actually held on longer than he did at Over The Limit.


Richard Vanalstyne contributed to this article.

