More On A Cryptic Message That Aired During RAW

As owner Raj Giri noted earlier here on the website, a cryptic video message aired during Monday's RAW. The video played as WWE was plugging Twitter via some on-screen graphics. The screen became fuzzy and a YouTube link ( appeared.


The video says someone will return to take back what is theirs. A small boy who was narrating said: "Come my people and shut thy doors about thee. For power should come to punish the weak for their inequity. For on the second day of 2012, a familiar force shall arrive to claim what it is his. And it will be the end of the world as you know it."

The video refers to "Monday, January 2nd, 2012" which is the RAW that takes place in Memphis, TN. It appears this may be for Kane's WWE return, although another promo for Kane aired later in the evening. As noted earlier, he's expected to return around that time (Royal Rumble). Check out the video below:

