Skip Sheffield-WWE Update, Superstars & NXT Matches, More

- Skip Sheffield defeated Jimmy Uso in the dark match before tonight's WWE tapings in Little Rock, Arkansas. We're waiting on confirmation but apparently Sheffield was using his Ryback gimmick.

- The following matches were taped tonight in Little Rock for tomorrow's WWE NXT:


* Michael McGillicutty vs. Alex Riley

* Kaitlyn vs. Maxine

* Trent Baretta vs. Curt Hawkins

* Derrick Bateman vs. Darren Young

You can get full results at this link.

- Matches taped tonight in Little Rock for this week's Superstars were:

* Yoshi Tatsu vs. Tyson Kidd

* Ezekiel Jackson vs. Jinder Mahal

You can get full results for this week's episode of Superstars by clicking here.

