Sign Guy Dudley Reflects On ECW Arena, WWE/Santorum

Partial Source: PWTorch

– ECW Original Lou D'Angeli – known as Sign Guy Dudley and Lou. E. Dangerously – posted a new blog entry, where he reflects on the 11th anniversary of ECW closing down: "11 years after I walked out of the building that night I harbor ZERO hostility toward the way ECW ended?if I harbored hostility it would impede my dream that I lived?look?it was ECW for Christ's sakes! It was the grunge movement of professional wrestling! In January 2001 it was just over?in January 2011 it's like wow, I was part of that?and I was lucky?so how can one be bitter? Would you rather have 7 years and a lifetime of memories? Or ZERO years? Right?"


The New York Times picked up the story of Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum's previous experience of lobbying on behalf of WWE. Santorum used pro wrestling in political campaign ads and brought "pro wrestling-style theatrics to Congress." The headline of the New York Times story is "The Santorum of 2012 Comes from a Long History of Political Brawling." It is mentioned in the story that the candidate has a more toned-down approach to campaigning in Iowa. You can check out the full article by clicking here.

