WWE Saturday Morning Slam Recap: Justin Gabriel Vs. Kofi Kingston

Welcome to the WrestlingINC.com WWE Saturday Morning Slam Recap.

- We are welcomed to the show by our narrator and are told that General Manager Mick Foley has a major announcement.

- We go backstage as Mick Foley praises Kofi Kingston and Justin Gabriel and calls them the greatest high-flyers in the WWE today. He says they will face each other today. Kofi and Justin have some friendly banter about who is going to win. Foley tells them to save it for the ring.


- Highlights run of Kofi and Gabriel.

Justin Gabriel vs. Kofi Kingston

Justin is out first followed by Kofi and we go to break. Kofi and Gabriel go back and forth with quick counters and Kofi rolls him up for 2. They counter armbars back and forth. Gabriel monkey-flips Kofi out of the corner. They both go for dropkicks and have a stand-off as they regroup.

Back from a break as Gabriel has Kofi in an abdominal stretch. Kofi takes Gabriel over in an armbar and we cut to Josh and Ziggler on commentary as they scrap on the mat. The logo on the bottom of Gabriel's boots are blurred. We see the back of another cameraman as Kofi and Gabriel exchange head scissors.

Kofi starts to build a flurry and hits signature offense including the Boom Drop. Kofi goes for a springboard moonsault but Gabriel gets his knees up. Gabriel hits a springboard crossbody but Kofi kicks out. Gabriel keeps the pressure on but Kofi won't quit. Kofi hits the SOS after several counters by both men for the win.


Winner by pin: Kofi Kingston

Kofi and Gabriel shake hands in the ring.

- Natalya gets an interview from Primo & Epico with Rosa Mendes. They feel ignored and disrespected ever since Mick Foley took over. Rosa cuts a promo on Natalya and says she is the real Diva on SMS. Natalya challenges them to a match with Khali and Hornswoggle for next. They say they are busy next week. Natalya says Foley owes her a favor and she guarantees that match will happen.

- This week's Saturday Morning Spotlight is The Great Khali. A highlight package is shown and the voice-over guy touts next week's 6-Person Tag and signs off.

