Paul Heyman Talks His Current WWE Role, Zeb Colter, Brock Lesnar's Future Goals

SLAM! Wrestling has an interview with Paul Heyman. Here are a few highlights:

His current role with WWE: "If I look at my schedule right now... I don't have one booking as a manager. I'm booked all over Europe, I'm booked all over this country, in two-on-one handicap matches. So I'm booked as a wrestler right now, not as a manager. At 48-year-old, I still have not had formal training as a wrestler. The role has changed. We're not just doing the typical old-school gimmick matches that Lou Albano used to participate in."


Zeb Colter's success: "I think Zeb fit a need at the moment. When things really click in this industry, it's when they service the needs of the moment, and it ends up playing into the long-term. You have all these hot-button issues in the country, with immigration and health care, etcetera, and here's somebody who, Dutch is very articulate... here's a person that can speak on these subjects from any position that you want him to. He fit the immediate need that the company had to play on these hot-button issues, which then ties into the long-term of, which of his guys can he get across to the public to become bigger stars, into the bigger, more personal issues and money-drawing programs."

His goals for the future: "I've never managed in the main event at WrestleMania and I would love [that]. There are things that I know Brock wants to accomplish for us in this industry, that I prefer that Brock goes public with those goals when it's time. I know that Brock and I have talked about things that we'd like to accomplish, that we haven't had a chance to do yet. Hey, I'd love to be the first guy to ever manage the WWE and the WWE World heavyweight champion at the same time as well."


Hey man also discussed his media agency, returning to WWE, working with CM Punk, why he doesn't want to be labelled a manager and much more. You can check out the full interview by clicking here.

Source: SLAM! Wrestling

