TNA Slammiversary: Kurt Angle Vs. Jeff Jarrett


Not so much a backstage segment as Tenay and Taz are joined 'by satellite' by Karen Jarrett. Karen insinuates that Angle is the one who pushed her, and caused her injury. Karen says she's under all different types of stress, and she's not going to let Tenay get her blood pressure up. She says when Jeff gets into the ring with Kurt, he's going to win, be the #1 contender, and bring the gold medal back where it belongs. Karen says when Jarrett brings the medal home, she's going to wear it, and do what she does best. Tenay calls Karen a 'ball-buster', this cuts Karen off, while she protests, and segues into the video package for this match.


The Final Battle
- Jeff Jarrett vs. Kurt Angle

The bell rings and we're ready to being the main event of the evening. Angle and Jarrett circle each other before Angle backs Jarrett into the corner. Jarrett goes into the ropes to force Angle away. Both men lock up and Angle quickly backs Jarrett up into the corner. Angle goes behind Jarrett and takes him down with a belly to back suplex but Jarrett makes it into the ropes to force a break. Another lock up and Angle locks in a side head lock. Jarrett tries to force out of it, unsuccessfully.

Jarrett fights out of the hold, only to eat a shoulderblock, then hip toss. Angle lays in a couple of big right hands in the corner before hitting an awesome snap suplex, good for a two count. Angle sends Jarrett into the corner, laying into him with big clubbing blows to the back. Angle continues to beat Jarrett around the ring. Angle sends Jarrett into the ropes but Jeff grabs on to the ropes, then back body drops Angle to the outside. Jarrett follows to the outside where he immediately backs him up into the barricade before slamming him into another barricade. Jarrett hits a big European uppercut before sending him shoulder first into the ring steps.


Angle is slow to make it back into the ring, especially with Jarrett attacking him and sending him back out to the ring floor. Jarrett goes to the outside and sends Angle back into the ring, following and stomping Angle repeatedly. Jarrett hangs Angle up in the ropes and hits him with a big uppercut to the face. Jarrett hits Angle with a high knee to the gut, but when he goes for the pin, Angle is able to kick out at two. Jarrett chokes Angle against the middle rope before coming down with a huge blow across the back of Angle's head. Jarrett sends Angle into the ropes and both men go for a cross body, leading to both men laid out in the middle of the ring.

Both men get to their feet and Anle is able to connect with a couple of right hands before he's locked into a sleeper. Angle backs Jarrett into the corner to break the hold. Angle avoids Jarrett in the opposite corner and hits a big German suplex.

Both men are slow to their feet, but when they get up they trade right hands in the middle of the ring. Angle gets the upper hand, sending Jarrett around the ring. Jarrett catches Angle with a big kick, but Angle responds with a belly to belly suplex. Angle goes for the ankle lock but Jarrett fights it off. Angle goes up to the second rope and comes off with a big dropkick. Jarrett goes for a hurricarana, but Angle catches him and hits a big powerbomb instead. Angle locks in the ankle lock but Jarrett rolls through to break it. Jarrett hits a big DDT and goes for the pin, but Angle is able to kick out at two.


Jarrett goes for the stroke, but Angle is able to block it and hit the Angle slam instead, but it's not enough to keep Jarrett down. Angle goes to the top and goes for a moonsault, but Jarrett avoids it. Jarrett hits the stroke and goes for a pin, but Angle is able to kick out at two. Jarrett waits for Angle to get back up and he goes for a tombstone piledriver, but Angle reverses. Jarrett reverses it again, but it's reversed another time by Angle, this time into an Angle lock. Jarrett rolls through again and sends Angle into the ref. Jarrett connects with a low blow to take Angle to the mat.

Jarrett goes to the outside and underneath the ring where he grabs a guitar. Jarrett gets back into the ring and smashes the guitar over Angle's head, moving the pieces out of the ring before calling another ref down to the ring. Hebner comes out and rolls into the ring, counting one, two, but Angle kicks out before three. Jarrett is upset and he's concerned with Hebner. Hebner shoves him into a roll up and Angle gets a two count. Angle pops right up, hitting three German suplexes on Jarrett before going for the pin, but he still only gets two.

Angle picks Jarrett up and places him on the top turnbuckle. Kurt goes up after him but Jarrett pushes him away. Angle pops back up and runs up the corner, launching Jarrett with a huge super belly to belly suplex, but it's still only good for two. Angle pulls down his singlet straps. Angle goes for the Angle slam, but Jarrett reverses into an arm drag. Angle goes for the spear in the corner but his shoulder connects with the ring post. Jarrett hits an enzugiri, puts Angle on the top turnbuckle, and connects with a middle rope stroke. Jarrett goes for the pin, but Angle kicks out at two.


Jarrett goes for the Angle slam but Angle reverses, so Jarrett locks in the ankle lock. Angle looks to be in pain, but he crawls toward the ropes. Angle almost has them, but Jarrett pulls Angle back toward the middle of the ring, where he grapevines Angle's leg. Kurt kicks away at Jarrett to force him to break the hold, but Jarrett locks it right back in. Angle rolls through and locks in an ankle lock of his own, grape-vining the leg, and forcing Jarrett to tap.

Winner and NEW #1 Contender to the TNA World Championship: Kurt Angle

We get lots of replays as we go off the air.

