WWE News & Notes: HHH's Status, Angle/Lita; More Inside

Smackdown will be preempted this week in Philadelphia because of Phillies baseball. The show will air Saturday July 16th at 5EST.

Kurt Angle will also be on Byte This tomorrow night. Lita will respond to Hardy's comments in full WORK MODE as well.

Triple H is being kept off TV for awhile to freshen up his character.

Amazon.com has the photo up of Shawn Michaels' new book.

The New York Post ran a story on WWE's Hassan-Taker segment from SmackDown! last Thursday. "We're very proud of our product. We try and be sensitive with everything we portray, but there's got to be protagonists and antagonists on our TV shows. We just happen to reflect the politics of the world sometimes especially with these Arab-American characters." said Gary Davis.

