Austin/Angle, Vince McMahon, WM23, & More News
Jim Ross, Michael Hayes, Dusty Rhodes and Pat Patterson are featured in this month s new "Legends of Wrestling" roundtable discussion show on the 24/7 on-demand service.
Kurt Angle was recently on the "Ron & Fez" radio show to share a story about when Steve Austin asked him why Vince McMahon didn t recommend either of them for the Miller beer commercials, and instead picked Triple H who doesn t even drink beer. Angle said that it was an example of Vince s favoritism towards Triple H.
WWE is still on track for having over 78,000 fans attending WrestleMania 23 at Ford Field after selling 50,000 tickets over the weekend. has a brief mention up about the press conference tomorrow at Madison Square Garden to announce WWE's return to Iraq this December for another "Tribute to the Troops" event.