News On The Rock, SummerSlam, Mick Foley, & More

There are two auctions up on a charity site for people to get a chance to meet The Rock and attend the World Premiere of his upcoming movie The Game Plan in Los Angeles. You can also attend an after-party. The auction ends later today at 6:00 p.m. There was actually only one auction until yesterday, but they put up a second one earlier today. The bids actually aren't as high one would think they would be as the current bid for the first auction is at $1,400 and the bid for the auction put up today is $550 as of this writing. Also note, the auctions don't include travel and hotel expenses.


Circuit City is selling a SummerSlam package that includes DVDs of the past three SummerSlams. The SummerSlam '04 DVD has a brand new cover as JBL vs Taker is billed as the top match and the advertisement for the Orton vs. Benoit match has been removed. Also, the back cover is all black as there is nothing on it. However, the actual disc and paper insert feature the old cover with Benoit on it. The DVD itself has the Benoit vs. Orton match in it as it wasn't edited off. The SummerSlam '05 DVD includes the Benoit vs. Orlando Jordan match.

Mick Foley will replace former Minnesota Governor Jesse "The Body" Ventura at the Turnbuckle Promotions convention in Lynnbrook, Long Island this weekend. Ventura had to cancel due to an illness.


The September issue of WWE Magazine has Mr. Kennedy on the cover. The magazine also includes an article on what actors could play certain superstars in WWE: The Movie. Will Ferrell as Rey Mysterio?

