Lance Storm Gets Congress Letter, Orton/HHH Match, & More

During Sunday Night's Wrestling Observer Live radio show, Lance Storm stated that he had received a letter from the United States Congress in connection to the ongoing investigation into the abuse of drugs and steroids in pro wrestling. Storm said the letter was a general inquiry, and not a subpoena or a request to testify in hearings. He said the letter contained contact information, and Storm stated that he sent an e-mail reply. Storm said he would answer specific questions if asked, and is open to discussing the matter with them. Congress has sent these letters to many past and present pro wrestlers, as they continue to collect information.

The general feeling is to keep Randy Orton and Triple H away from each other, and possibly saving the match for Wrestlemania.

Remember when WWE was gearing up for the 'Jackass' angle at Summerslam? There is talk now about doing the angle at the Royal Rumble.

As noted last night, Booker T has removed all WWE logo/links and contact information for booking him from his website and that he has been telling indies that he will be available to talk for bookings in 30 days.

