Top 10 Managers, What's Mike Adamle Doing These Days?, More has posted their list of the Top 25 Managers of all time. The top spot went to the one and only Bobby "The Brain" Heenan. It's interesting to note that influential managers Jim Cornette and Paul Heyman were not included while guys like Frenchie Martin and Harvey Whippleman made the cut. Both Cornette and Heyman have been very critical of the WWE product in recent years. It's also interesting to note that Jimmy Hart, who was inolved with Hulk Hogan's Celebrity Championship Wrestling, was listed at #5.


Former WWE announcer and RAW General Manager Mike Adamle is back to his old job as a sports news anchor working for NBC 5 in Chicago. His online bio page, which has no mention of his WWE run, can be seen at

"Behind Enemy Lines – Colombia", the first straight-to-DVD release from WWE Films, debuted at #18 in DVD rentals this week.

