Ongoing 'Test' Tragedy Coverage: Your Feedback Inside

Here are some random reader thoughts on the passing of Andrew 'Test' Martin. Thanks for all your feedback!

My parents and I were in Houston, TX for Wrestlemania X-7 in April of 2001. My dad booked our hotel room at the last moment and the only hotel that had an available room was at the actual hotel that the wrestlers were staying at. I didn't know this until we were actually walking through the hotel lobby and I remember seeing the Dudley Boys, Steve Blackmon, A-Train, Jeff & Matt Hardy, Lita, Edge & Christian and even Paul Heyman. I let my parents in on the news and they were shocked.........I in particular was pretty excited. Anyways, we got into the elevator to go to our room.....and the elevator was packed. But one guy stood out. Test was a huge guy! My mom was standing behind me and Test was at the front of the elevator.....and i told my mom to go shake his hand. She said NOOOOOOO he's busy. I said hold on and said "Mr. Martin", since I happened to know his real name. "I'm a big fan and so is my really shy mom over her would you mind shaking her hand so that she can say she got up close and personal with the WWE superstars on Wrestlemania weekend?" The rest of the people in the elevator burst out in laughter, but he said "SURRREEE!, where's mama at?" and he reached over the crowd to my mom who is about 5 feet tall on a good day and shook here hand and smiled. I just thought that was awesome! Fan Axxess was great and the show was the best Wrestlemania I've ever seen, but that was the real bright spot on our trip and my mom still brings it up today when we happen to be talking about wrestling. God Bless Andrew Martin and his family and they are in the prayers of the Soper family. Thanks for a really cool memory. We love u! Thomas Soper Corpus Christi, TX

Regarding memories of Test: I remember first getting into wrestling in 2003, and his feud with Scott Steiner over Stacy Keibler was very entertaining, he was one of the few modern wrestlers that had originality and charisma, if he was given the right push and if he put in 100% into his work he would have been a main star by now. I was psyched about Test returning to ECW right after the ECW product's quality was winding down, too bad his personal problems led to him being released from WWE contract. I didn't think whatsoever that Test's TNA stint would have been his last on a national TV circuit. This is a sad time in the wrestling world and he will be missed.

To Whom It Concern: My name is Melissa Shutwell. My e-mail address is I have a memory of Andrew "Test" Martin. I remember when the Test character in the WWE was in love with Stephanie McMahon. I remember when he tried to marry Stephanie McMahon and then have it ruined by Triple H. That was a really great storyline. I hope this helps.

My memories of Test was when he was teamed up with Albert to form the tage team of T & A managed by the very cute Trish Stratus. I thought they would soon become tag team champs. I also would have thought that Test and Trish would have become a couple outside of wrestling. I figured a blond good looking guy and a cute blond bombshell in Trish and both of them canadaians. I thought they would have been a perfect match having a few things in common. My second memory was the wedding of Test and Stephanie McMahon. Triple H came along and ruined that. I thought a heated storyline would be hotter much like the Triple H and Randy Orton is today. It's always a tragedy when someone so young passes away for whatever reason. Test will be missed in the ring by all his peers and his friends. R.I.P. Andrew "Test" Martin Dave Johnson Parkville, Maryland

I wanted to sum up my emotions over the tragic death of Test. I posted two articles on his passing. If you choose to use them, please credit me as Codename Sailor Earth. Thank you. and

The day after Wrestlemania 24 in Orlando, Raw was held at Amway Arena. My 9 year old cousin and I went to the arena very early to try and get him some autographs and also to get the opportunity to take pictures with the wrestlers. Early in the afternoon Kelly Kelly arrived having been dropped off by Test, and they were just hugging and showing affection to one another for about 15 minutes. Me being 21, I was like 12 or 13 when Test debuted and I remembered everything that he was involved in, and apparently so did everyone else because along with me everyone else was chanting Test's name, seemingly ignoring Kelly Kelly. You could see Kelly laughing and her stepped back and waved to the crowd, and seemed like he was going to approach us, until everyone swarmed Gail Kim who was dropping off Mickie James. It was really cool to know that I wasn't the only one who felt a bit of nostalgia that day with memories of crazy Attitude Era storylines and it was neat to see that he didn't completely ignore us either, unlike some present lower-midcard guys had. The man will be missed, rest in peace. – Angel

I remember meeting test back in 1999 late 2000 with my younger brother at funtime USA in Brooklyn ny. it was a really cold day I remember not being able to find the bus so we walked miles back to our home.test was truly a nice guy.I still have his autograph and so does my brother. when something this tragic happens to someone as young as andrew it's just heartbreaking.I'm 29 so it hits kind of hard.I also still have one of the first test real scan toys from his long haired days.he was a cool guy and I'm sorry that he is no longer with us – Brian from staten island ny

Hello i am writing you after seeing your post about you wanting to know memories of Test. I have been a fan of wrestling since 2003. As soon as I started watching Test was one of my favorites mainly because of his name it was just simply Test. My sister and I often found his name funny (don't know why we just did). I was heartbroken when he was released the first time and when he came back to ECW a few years later I went crazy I watched ECW every week just to see him. I loved watching him perform he had an amazing style and was a great personality. Whenever he was released again I found myself sort of lost and i didn't watch an episode of ECW again until just recently (when Christian came back; i still continued to watch RAW and Smackdown every week). This morining when I woke up and checked the site as I do every morning I was so shocked to see that he had died. At first I was shocked and I really didn't know how to deal with it. I started thinking about it and I literally almost cried it was so sad! I will never forget Test ever just because he was such a great performer and it is such a great loos to lose him at such a young age. I remember my favorite moment of Test was a long time ago like 02 or 03 when Ric Flair was going to fire him and he said "You can't fire me I got munites" hahaha I don't know why but that was just so unexpected and funny. I will never forgert that moment. I have had my own Test tribute all day I have watched all of the matches I have of him on DVD's and I also drug out Smackdown Here Comes the Pain video game and played quite a few matches with him. After that I also dragged out my Nintendo 64 hooked it up and played some matches with him on No Mercy. I still don't know how to take it and I am having trouble finding with how to deal with it. I guess it was because it was such a shock. Thank you for your time, Keith

William sent this one: Something I remembered and love About Andrew "Test" Martin was that even though he was a heel on WWE multiple times, he was a so good at being it, god I wish he didn't die, he was one of the best damn wrestlers to step foot in the business.

O'Harold Hoots sent this one: My favorite Test moment was when he was apart of the Un-Americans with Christian and Lance Storm. I will miss him. R.I.P. Andrew "Test" Martin

Do you have any memories of Andrew 'Test' Martin? I'd love to hear about them. Send me an email at

