Freddie Prinze Jr. Calls The AEW Match The 'Grossest' He's Ever Seen
Freddie Prinze Jr. revealed on "Wrestling with Freddie" that the Texas Death Match between Swerve Strickland and Adam Cole at AEW Full Gear 2023 was the grossest he had ever seen.
The brutal faceoff received mixed responses from fans and critics, as it turned out to be one of the goriest matches in AEW history. However, it felt a bit extreme to Prinze Jr.
Prinze Jr. said, "Swerve Strickland was bleeding so much it looked like the blood was neon. [...] It must have been a half gallon of blood. A pint of blood. It's crazy."
Prinze Jr. gave both performers credit for their efforts and appreciated the storytelling aspect of the bout, but the extreme bloodletting was too much for him to handle.
While the match wasn't to Prinze Jr.'s tastes, he's happy about Strickland's victory. He hopes it leads to a push for the AEW star, who he feels deserves to be a top star.