BURBANK, CALIFORNIA - JANUARY 15: John Cena visits "Extra" at Burbank Studios on January 15, 2020 in Burbank, California. (Photo by Noel Vasquez/Getty Images)
John Cena's Worst Moments
His offensive raps
In his early WWE days, Cena’s free-styling skills elevated him to popularity and success, even helping him win the US title at WrestleMania XX. However, from objectifying female talent to body shaming to homophobic remarks, many of Cena’s bars haven’t aged well with time.
Beating the Nexus
When Wade Barrett and his Nexus faction faced Cena and other WWE superstars at SummerSlam 2010, Cena’s backstage politicking came to light. Although his own teammates pushed for Nexus to win, in a last-moment change-up, Cena defeated the final two Nexus members on his own, completely derailing the faction’s momentum.
Injustice To Rey
The same night that Rey Mysterio won his first-ever WWE Championship from The Miz, Cena challenged him for a shot at the title. Mysterio, an obvious babyface, had won the title fair-and-square, so it doesn’t make sense why Cena, another babyface, challenged — and won the title back from — Mysterio the very same night.
Juan Cena
While he was storyline fired from WWE TV due to the machinations of Wade Barrett, Cena came back as Juan Cena, disguised under a luchador mask to harass the Nexus. Although it was never supposed to be taken seriously, it’s a prime example of the madcap and cringeworthy booking that clouded Cena’s main event run.
Losing to John Laurinaitis
At Over The Limit 2012, “Raw” head John Laurinaitis faced Cena in a wince-inducing match with the stipulation that Laurinaitis would be fired if he lost. Embarrassingly, the leader of the Cenation would lose to Laurinaitis, thanks to the shenanigans of the Big Show, to close a disaster of a match.