Former WWE NXT Star Claims They're Related To Bobo Brazil

As the song says, "Wrestling has more than one royal family." In fact, it's become something of a running theme, from the Windhams to the Rhodes to the Flairs and beyond, there are plenty of multi-generational wrestling families.

Former "WWE NXT" North American Champion Leon Ruffin took to Twitter to announce that he is related to former WWWF United States Champion Bobo Brazil, who is a member of the WWE, NWA, and Professional Wrestling Halls of Fame. Brazil is famous for not only his lengthy career but also, according to, for taking part in the first racially-mixed pro wrestling match in the city of Atlanta, Georgia.

Ruffin wrestled under the ring name Leon Ruff in WWE. He was released in August 2021 and has been a regular presence on the independent scene, as well as making numerous appearances for AEW. He even had a match on "Dynamite" back in July.

Ruffin's brief time on "NXT" included him winning the North American Title from Johnny Gargano. He enjoyed a brief reign with the title belt, which notably did not fit around his waist. Ruffin was grateful for his experience in "NXT."

"I was able to compete against and earn respect from wrestlers I looked up to. Make an impact in/and inspire the WWE universe," he wrote in a Twitter post after his release.

Brazil was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 1994, part of the second-ever class of inductees. Brazil was inducted by his rival "Big Cat" Ernie Ladd and returned the favor by inducting Ladd the very next year.

