AEW Dark: Elevation Results (11/07) - ROH Six-Man Tag Team Titles Match, Kip Sabian Vs. Alex Reynolds, Tay Melo In Action

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results for "AEW Dark: Elevation" on November 7, 2022!

A huge Ring of Honor Six-Man Tag Team Championship Match is set for tonight's show, as Dalton Castle and The Boys (Brandon and Brent Tate) will be defending their titles against Ari Daivari, Slim-J and Jeeves Kay of The Trustbusters. Castle and The Boys have been dominant in their reign thus far, winning the championships after dethroning Vincent, Bateman and Dutch of The Righteous at Death Before Dishonor back in July.


Two more massive trio's matches will also be taking place, as QT Marshall, Cole Karter, and Lee Johnson of The Factory will be taking on Cheeseburger, Rhett Titus and Logan Easton Laroux. Johnson shocked the world on last week's show after coming to the ring and betraying Danhausen to allow Marshall to sneak away with a win over him during their bout. Best Friends (Trent Beretta and Chuck Taylor) will also be teaming up with their ally, Rocky Romero, to square off with The Butcher, The Blade and Angelico.

Kip Sabian will be facing off with Dark Order's Alex Reynolds in single's competition. Sabian was out for much of this year with an arm injury, but has been stronger than ever since making his triumphant return and attacking Pac on the August 24 edition of "Dynamite". Top Flight's Dante Martin will also go head to head with Ring of Honor' Eli Isom while longtime allies Eddie Kingston and Ortiz will join forces once again to take on Myles Hawkins and Joe Keys.


In addition, Jericho Appreciation Society member Tay Melo will be in action, as she goes one on one with Trish Adora. Elsewhere in the women's division, Athena will take on Abby Jane while Abadon will face Amy Rose.

We are live! Paul Wight and Ian Riccaboni greet audiences at home as Abadon makes their way to the ring. Amy Rose waits inside the ring.

Abandon vs. Amy Rose

The bell rings and Abadon delivers a lariat. They deliver another one to Rose's back, then knock her to the mat. Rose manages to take them down, but Abadon sits up and delivers a kick to her head. They deliver a kick to Rose's chest, then deliver the Black Dahlia for the win.


Winner: Abandon

The Trustbusters head to the ring, followed by Dalton Castle and The Boys.

Dalton Castle and The Boys (c) vs. The Trustbusters for the Ring of Honor Six-Man Tag Team Championships

Daivari and Brent begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. Slim tags in and Brent hits an arm drag, followed by an enziguri. Brandon tags in and the Tate Brothers double team on him. Brent tags back on him and the pair deliver an arm drag. Brent goes for a pin, but Slim kicks out. Brent ascends to the top, but Daivari knocks him off the top from the outside, allowing Slim to take him down. He delivers a clothesline to Brent's back, then tags in Kay. Kay delivers a body slam, followed by a double ax handle. Castle tags in and delivers a clothesline to Kay, followed by a chop and a kick to his face. He throws him to the mat. Slim and Daivari try to interfere, but Castle sends them to the outside. He throws The Boys on top of them repeatedly before Brandon tosses Kay into the ring. Parker Boudreaux interferes from the outside, allowing Kay to plant him. He goes for a pin, but Castle kicks out. Castle fires back with the Bang-A-Rang for the win.


Winners: Dalton Castle and The Boys

We head backstage to Lexy Nair and Alex Reynolds. Reynolds says that there are a lot of similarities between him and Kip Sabian, but also many differences. He says Sabian begs for attention before calling himself a dark horse and saying that's what drives him in matches. He tells Sabian he hopes he's ready.

Athena heads to the ring, with Abby Jane already waiting inside.

Athena vs. Abby Jane

The bell rings and the two lock up. They exchange submissions before Jane whips Athena into the corner and hits a leaping forearm. She hits a discus punch, then follows it up with a kick. Athena fires back with several right hands to Jane, followed by a vicious forearm. She sends her into the ring post, then sends her into the ring steps a couple of times and tosses her back into the ring. She locks in a Cross Face for the win.


Winner: Athena

After the match, Athena keeps the Cross Face locked in. When she eventually releases it, she delivers a series of right hands to Jane.

We head backstage to The Factory. Lexy Nair is standing by and asks Lee Johnson why he turned his back on Danhausen last week. Johnson says that he was never able to give Marshall a proper thank you for getting him into AEW, then continues on by saying that it's time for him to start the party by scoring a win tonight. He says it's about leaving behind the legacy that he wants to and says that he'll be damned if he doesn't take it all back.

We then head to the ring, where Stokely Hathaway and The Firm stand in the ring with Private Party. Hathaway asks what they've learned from him and Isiah Kassidy says they've learned nothing. Hathaway tells him to mind his mouth, then says that they've learned to be the best wrestlers they can be. Hathaway tells them that they're like his son before Matt Hardy's music hits and he heads to the ring. Ethan Page calls for his music to be cut, then tells him to leave Private Party alone. He says that he isn't helping them out in any way and says that he's the one helping them. He tells Hardy to listen to everything they say because he isn't giving them great advice. Page calls himself "the future AEW World Champion" and gloats. Hardy delivers the Twist of Fate to Hathaway while they're distracted, then says that Hathaway passed out after telling them they could have the night off.


Tay Melo and Sammy Guevara head to the ring, with Trish Adora already waiting inside.

Tay Melo (w/ Sammy Guevara) vs. Trish Adora

The bell rings and the two lock up. Melo delivers an arm drag, then follows it up with a German Suplex and a knee to Adora's face. Adora fires back with a series of forearms and chops, but Melo fires back with a pump kick. Adora delivers a wrist lock take down, then whips her into the corner before hitting a knee and a pump kick. She delivers the Tay-KO for the win.


Winner: Tay Melo

Dante Martin heads to the ring, with Eli Isom already waiting inside.

Dante Martin vs. Eli Isom

The bell rings and the two lock up as the crowd cheers on Martin. They exchange submissions before Isom hits an arm drag and a bodyslam. He hits a sliding lariat, then goes for a pin but Martin kicks out. Isom hits a forearm, but Martin fires back with a series of right hands and a back elbow. Isom hits a spear, followed by a neckbreaker and goes for a pin, but Martin kicks out. Martin hits a boot, then follows it up with an enziguri and a high crossbody. Isom hits an arm drag, then hits an Air Raid Crash. He goes for a pin, but Martin kicks out. He looks for The Promise, but Martin escapes and plants him. Isom rolls to the outside before Martin goes flying and tosses him back in the ring. He hits the Nose Dive for the win.


Winner: Dante Martin

Cheeseburger, Rhett Titus and Logan Easton Laroux head to the ring, followed by The Factory.

The Factory vs. Cheeseburger, Rhett Titus and Logan Easton Laroux

Johnson and Laroux begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. They exchange submissions before Johnson tosses Laroux into the corner and tags in Karter. Laroux delivers a drop toe hold, then tags in Titus. Titus hits a Monkey Flip, then tags in Cheeseburger. Karter hits Cheeseburger with a clothesline, then tags in Marshall. Marshall beats down Cheeseburger and hits a right hand before tagging in Johnson. Johnson continues to beat him down. Karter tags in and rains down right hands. He whips him into the corner, but Cheeseburger delivers a kick. He tags in Titus, who delivers a clothesline and a bodyslam. He hits a belly-to-belly, but Karter hits a neck breaker. The Factory hit a Triple Cutter before Marshall hits a pair of Diamond Cutters to Titus and Karter pins him for the win.


Winner: The Factory

After the match, Marshall grabs a mic and says The Factory is running on all cylinders. He is cut off by a cryptic video of a nail scratching across something.

Eddie Kingston and Ortiz head to the ring, with Myles Hawkins and Joe Keys already waiting inside.

Eddie Kingston and Ortiz vs. Joe Keys and Myles Hawkins

Kingston and Keys begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. Keys hits a right hand, but Ortiz tags in and delivers a snap suplex. Kingston tags back in and hits a suplex of his own. Ortiz tags back in and the pair deliver a double suplex. Ortiz hits a splash, then rakes Keys' back. Keys fires back with a back breaker, then tags in Hawkins. He goes for a pin, but Ortiz kicks out. Kingston tags back in and delivers an STO. He locks in the Plum Stretcher for the win.


Winners: Eddie Kingston and Ortiz

After the match, Kingston grabs a chair, but Ortiz prevents him from doing anything with it. Ortiz calms him down and the pair do Ortiz's signature dance.

Kip Sabian and Penelope Ford head to the ring, followed by Alex Reynolds and John Silver.

Kip Sabian (w/ Penelope Ford) vs. Alex Reynolds (w/ John Silver)

The bell rings and the two lock up. They exchange submissions before Reynolds delivers a drop kick and a series of uppercuts. Reynolds trips Sabian, then delivers a kick to his face and an elbow drop. He goes for a pin, but Sabian kicks out. Reynolds hits a boot, then knocks Reynolds to the outside and hits a kick to his face off the apron. He delivers a springboard press, then tosses Reynolds back in the ring and goes for a pin. Sabian kicks out and Reynolds delivers an open palm strike. He hits a forearm, followed by a pump kick. Sabian fires back with an enziguri, followed by a back elbow. He hits a clothesline, then goes for a pin but Sabian kicks out. Sabian delivers a cannonball, but Reynolds fires back with a forearm across his jaw and a knee to his face. He hits a Tiger Driver, then goes for a pin but Sabian kicks out. Sabian bites Reynolds' ear, then hits a Tornado DDT. He follows it up with the Anarchist Suplex, then goes for a pin but Reynolds kicks out. Sabian ascends to the top and looks for a double stomp. Reynolds catches him and rolls him up. Sabian reverses the pin for the win.


Winner: Kip Sabian

The Butcher, The Blade, The Bunny, and Angelico head to the ring, followed by Best Friends, Rocky Romero and Danhausen.

Best Friends and Rocky Romero (w/ Danhausen) vs. The Butcher, The Blade and Angelico (w/ The Bunny)

Angelico and Taylor begin the action. The bell rings and Angelico delivers a kick to Taylor's midsection. Beretta tags in and Best Friends deliver a double shoulder tackle. Blade tags in and Beretta delivers a chop, then tags in Romero. Romero hits a double stomp to Blade's back, but Blade gets the upper hand (with some help from The Bunny, The Butcher and Angelico). Butcher tags in and hits a headbutt. He whips him into the corner, then hits a snap suplex and tags in Angelico. Angelico hits a stomp on Romero, then locks in a leg submission. Butcher tags in and delivers several stomps to Romero. Romero fires back with a chop, but Butcher hits one of his own. Romero hits a reverse enziguri, followed by a Stutter Step. Beretta tags in and hits a back elbow. He delivers a German Suplex, followed by a clothesline and a DDT. He hits a running knee, then goes for a pin but Angelico breaks it up.


Best Friends hit the Soul Food Half and Half, then do their signature hug with Romero in the ring. While the referee is distracted, The Bunny low blows Blade, allowing Blade to roll him up. Beretta kicks out. Danhausen curses Blade, delivering a low blow to him in the process. Beretta hits the Dudebuster for the win.

Winners: Best Friends and Rocky Romero

