Earl Hebner Names Referees Who Should Be In WWE Hall Of Fame

In a singles match, there are three people inside the ring, and the third person communicates to the wrestlers throughout the entire match — with that person being the referee. No referee may be more well-known in the pro wrestling business than Earl Hebner, who has taken part in iconic moments in wrestling such as the Montreal Screwjob

Referees have not been inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame, yet some lower-card WWE stars and celebrities have etched their names in the Hall of Fame. Hebner revealed if he would consider joining the WWE Hall of Fame if he was asked, and discussed whether or not he believes he deserves the nod.

"I'd consider it," Hebner said during his appearance on "Refin' It Up with Brian Hebner." "Yeah, I really do. All the stuff I've done in this business and made a lot of the matches what they are, I think I deserve to be in there. But, whether I do or not is up to them."

Hebner later discussed which professional wrestling referees he believes should be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame. "I'll start with myself," Hebner said. "Nick Patrick, Tommy Young, Mike Chioda, Charles [Robinson], Jimmy Korderas, and my brother." 

There have been many referees who have been in the business for a number of years, but Hebner has been in the wrestling business for decades, with his son, Brian Hebner, and brother, Dave Hebner, also being referees. 

While he has yet to be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame, Earl Hebner has one pro wrestling induction to his name, joining Impact Hall of Fame's class of 2015

If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit "Refin' It Up with Brian Hebner" with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

