Madusa Believes Former Stable Should Be In WWE Hall Of Fame

Madusa is best known for her time in WWE as Alundra Blayze whose character had a disastrous end when she threw her women's title belt in a wastebasket on rival "WCW Monday Nitro." But that was far from her first exposure on the national scene. She was also pushed in the AWA and was a top heel in the nationally syndicated LPWA all-women's promotion before signing with WCW in late 1991. 

She started as a wrestler in WCW before transitioning into a manager/bodyguard of sorts as the "Director of Covert Operations" for the Dangerous Alliance, led by Paul Heyman, then known as Paul E. Dangerously. In an appearance on the "Going Broadway Podcast," she made a case for that stable — which also included Steve Austin, Rick Rude, Bobby Eaton, Arn Anderson, and Larry Zbyszko — to go into the WWE Hall of Fame.

"Why not?" she asked. "Why not? Paul will be in there no problem. But, Bobby Eaton, he deserves to be in the Hall of Fame. Hands down. [The rest of us are] all Hall of Famers already except Paul." Asked if the decisions would have been made yet for the 2023 class, Madusa replied that she was sure that they were as she was informed about her Hall of Famer induction in January. "I was already called for my Hall of Fame [class] by January 5th, I think?"

For the record, of the Dangerous Alliance members, Steve Austin was inducted in 2009, Arn Anderson was inducted in 2012 as part of The Four Horsemen, Larry Zbyszko and Madusa (as Alundra Blayze) were both inducted in 2015, and Rick Rude was inducted in 2017. No inductees have been announced or otherwise reported for 2023 as of this writing.

