AEW Dark: Elevation Results (02/13) - Nyla Rose & Emi Sakura Vs. Madison Rayne & Skye Blue, Josh Woods Vs. Man Scout, Brian Cage In Action

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results of "AEW Dark" on February 13, 2023, coming to you from the El Paso County Coliseum in El Paso, Texas!

"The Native Beast" Nyla Rose will be joining forces with veteran Emi Sakura to take on AEW coach Madison Rayne and rising star Skye Blue. Elsewhere in the women's division Vertvixen will be returning to action as she squares off with "The Magical Girl" Yuka Sakazaki. Vertvixen last appeared on the December 26 episode of "Dark: Elevation" when she joined forces with Madi Wrenkowski in a losing effort to Ruby Soho and Willow Nightingale. TBS Champion Jade Cargill also looks to become 52-0 tonight as she teams up with Leila Grey to face DD Doom and Dulce Tormenta.


Josh Woods will be squaring off with Man Scout. Woods and his Varsity Athletes teammate Tony Nese have aligned themselves with the leader of The Trustbusters Ari Daivari, and together, the trio have been a force to be reckoned with on "Dark" and "Dark: Elevation" over the past few weeks. One third of the Ring of Honor World Six-Man Tag Team Champions, Brian Cage, looks to continue to rack up wins when he goes one-on-one with Jastin Taylor. Best Friends will be going head-to-head with Frank Stone and Adyan Colt while Dark Order will be in trios action against Vary Morales, El Dragon, and El Cobarde. The Firm's Big Bill also looks to pick up the win over Gino.

We are live! "Daddy Magic" Matt Menard and Paul Wight greet audiences at home as Dark Order makes their way to the ring. Vary Morales, El Dragon, and El Cobarde are already waiting inside.


Dark Order vs. Vary Morales, El Dragon, and El Cobarde

Silver and Morales begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. Morales looks for a shoulder tackle, but Silver blocks it and fires back with one of his own. Silver gets Morales up and sends him bouncing off the top rope, then tags in Reynolds. Cobarde tags in and Reynolds catches him with a back elbow. Cobarde delivers an enziguri, then tags Morales back in. Morales beats Reynolds down, then makes the blind tag to Dragon. Reynolds delivers a knee, then tags in Uno. Uno delivers a short-arm clothesline and a big boot, then tags Silver in. Silver tags in Reynolds, and the pair deliver a right hand, an enziguri, a Stunner, and a German suplex for the win.


Winners: Dark Order

We head backstage to Ethan Page and Matt Hardy. Page asks why Hardy wanted to talk to him, and Hardy says he wants to apologize for losing their trios match on "Rampage" this past Friday. Page says he sees what he's doing with the camera there, and Hardy says he wanted to apologize in front of the world. Page chews Hardy out, and Hardy says he wants nothing more than to be World Trios Champions with him and Isiah Kassidy. He says he's been motivated and inspired by Page, and says he's a big family man. He promises to get into the best shape of his life and says he thinks that the two of them together are limitless because he's never teamed with someone like him. He says that the two of them are alike in many ways, then gifts him a shirt. Page forgives him and the two embrace, then reminds him that's he is the one calling the shots. 


Big Bill heads to the ring, with Gino already waiting inside.

Big Bill vs. Gino

The bell rings and Bill wastes no time. He delivers a splash in the corner, followed by a Fallaway Slam and a second splash. Gino looks to deliver some chops, but Bill remains on his feet and delivers a big boot. He follows it up with a right hand, then delivers a stomp and a right hand to Gino's head. He sends Gino crashing into the mat face first, then delivers another big boot and a delayed chokeslam for the win.


Winner: Big Bill

Jade Cargill and Leila Grey head to the ring, with DD Doom and Dulce Tormenta already waiting inside.

Jade Cargill and Leila Grey vs. DD Doom and Dulce Tormenta

Cargill and Dulce begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. Cargill sends Dulce into the corner, then delivers a European uppercut and tags in Grey. Dulce rolls up Grey, but Grey kicks out. Grey delivers a Russian Leg Sweep, then follows it up with a clothesline and knocks Doom off the apron. Cargill tags in and delivers a pump kick, then hits Jaded for the win.


Winners: Jade Cargill and Leila Grey

Brian Cage and Prince Nana head to the ring, with Jastin Taylor already waiting inside.

Brian Cage (w/ Prince Nana) vs. Jastin Taylor

The bell rings and Cage sends Taylor into the corner. He delivers a series of soldiers to his midsection, then plants him. He hits a right hand and an uppercut, then whips him into the corner and hits a kick to his head. He delivers a German suplex, then shows off his biceps. Taylor delivers a kick to Cage's head, then looks to plant Cage. Cage reverses the move and plants him, then follows it up with the Drill Claw for the win.


Winner: Brian Cage

Madison Rayne and Skye Blue head to the ring, followed by Nyla Rose, Emi Sakura, and Vickie Guerrero.

Nyla Rose and Emi Sakura (w/ Vickie Guerrero) vs. Madison Rayne and Skye Blue

Rayne and Sakura begin the action. The bell rings and Rayne delivers a series of right hands. She sends Sakura repeatedly into the top turnbuckle face first, then tags in Blue. Blue delivers a high knee, but Sakura fires back with a Mongolian Chop. Rose tags in and delivers a headbutt to Blue, then follows it up with a right hand. Blue delivers a pair of kicks, then looks for a hurricanrana, but Rose catches her and plants her with a Belly-to-Back Piledriver. She goes for a pin, but Rayne breaks things up. Sakura tags in and sends Blue to the outside with a diving crossbody, but Blue manages to send her into the barricade. Guerrero takes her down with a Spear before Sakura tosses her back to the ring and tags in Rose.


Sakura and Rose deliver an assisted gutbuster, and Rose whips Blue into the corner. She looks for a cannonball, but Blue ducks out of the way. Sakura tags in and knocks Rayne off the apron, then delivers a series of chops. Blue delivers a backbreaker, but Sakura fires back with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Blue makes the hot tag to Rayne as Sakura tags in Rose. Rayne delivers a series of elbows and a running knee, but Rose catches her with a right hand. She then gets Rayne up on her shoulders and sends her crashing into the mat for the win.

Winners: Nyla Rose and Emi Sakura

Yuka Sakazaki heads to the ring, with Vertvixen already waiting inside.

Yuka Sakazaki vs. Vertvixen

The bell rings and the two lock up. They exchange submission holds before Sakazaki delivers a shoulder to Vertvixen's midsection. She follows it up with a dropkick off the top rope. Vertvixen trips Sakazaki, then plants her with a flatliner and delivers a series of stomps. She follows it up with a sliding lariat before Sakazaki delivers a boot to her midsection. Vertvixen delivers a bodyslam, then goes for a pin but Sakazaki kicks out. Sakazaki delivers a spinning forearm, then plants her with an Airplane Spin and follows it up with the Magical Girl Splash for the win.


Winner: Yuka Sakazaki

After the match, Athena appears out of nowhere and hits Sakazaki with her Ring of Honor Women's Championship. She tosses her to the outside, then follows her out there and throws her into the ring steps. She then sits her on top of them and delivers a forearm, then traps her leg between the steps and post. She hits a dropkick, then gets in the ring and gloats.

Josh Woods, Tony Nese, Ari Daivari, and "Smart" Mark Sterling head to the ring, with Man Scout already waiting inside.

Josh Woods (w/ Tony Nese, Ari Daivari and Mark Sterling) vs. Man Scout

The bell rings and Woods grabs Man Scout's book out of his hand and tosses it to the outside. He plants Man Scout face first, then delivers a gut wrench slam. He follows it up with a high running knee and a German suplex for the win.


Winner: Josh Woods

Best Friends head to the ring, with Frank Stone and Aydan Colt already waiting inside.

Best Friends vs. Frank Stone and Aydan Colt

Taylor and Stone begin the action. The bell rings and Stone fires off a pair of right hands. Colt tags in and knocks Beretta off the apron. Taylor delivers a chokeslam, then tags in Beretta. Beretta delivers a stomp and a chop, then follows it up with a boot. Colt fires back with a chop of his own, then follows it up with a back elbow. Beretta manages to hit a back body drop, then tags Taylor back in. Best Friends deliver a double shoulder tackle before hitting the Sole Food-Half and Half Combination and hugging. Taylor delivers a Piledriver to Colt as Beretta delivers the Belly-to-Back Piledriver to Stone for the win.


Winners: Best Friends

