AEW Dark: Elevation Results (03/06) - ROH Women's Title Proving Ground Match, Evil Uno Vs. Lee Johnson, Skye Blue Vs. Leila Grey And More

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results of "AEW Dark: Elevation" on March 6, 2023, coming to you from the Cow Palace in San Francisco, California!

Cole Karter and Lee Johnson both look to bring home wins for The Factory, as they will be taking on Christopher Daniels and Evil Uno respectively. Both Johnson and Karter's last victories came on the November 29 episode of "AEW Dark", when they teamed up with QT Marshall to defeat Ryan Mooney, Justin Corino, and Steven Josifi.


Another star also looks to keep his good luck going, as Juice Robinson goes head-to-head with Titus Alexander. During his last appearance, Robinson beat Fuego Del Solon the February 20 edition of "Dark". One third of the Ring of Honor World Six-Man Tag Team Champions, Brian Cage, will be making his return to an AEW ring when he goes one-on-one with Rob McKnight. Cage last appeared on the February 15 episode of "AEW Dynamite", during which he came up short to "Jungle Boy" Jack Perry. After quickly defeating Bryce Saturn in his return on "AEW Rampage" two weeks ago, Lance Archer looks to keep his momentum going when he takes on Jack Banning.

ROH Women's World Champion Athena will be squaring off with Brooke Havok in a Proving Ground Match. If Havok wins or the match ends in a draw, then she will earn herself the right to challenge "The Fallen Goddess" for her title within the next 60 days. Elsewhere in the women's division, Nyla Rose and Marina Shafir will be teaming up once again to take on Sandra Moone and J-Rod while Skye Blue goes one-on-one with Leila Grey.


We are live! "Daddy Magic" Matt Menard and Paul Wight greet audiences at home as Nyla Rose, Marina Shafir, and Vickie Guerrero head to the ring. Sandra Moone and J-Rod are already waiting inside.

Nyla Rose and Marina Shafir (w/ Vickie Guerrero) vs. Sandra Moone and J-Rod

Moone and Shafir begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. J-Rod and Rose tag in. Rose delivers a shoulder tackle to J-Rod, but J-Rod returns the favor. An angered Rose knocks her to the mat with another one of her own, then delivers a chop and whips her into the corner. Shafir tags in and rains down right hands, then begins targeting J-Rod's arm. Moone tags in and delivers a forearm, then follows it up with a dropkick. Rose then tags back in before her and Shafir deliver an assisted DDT for the win.


Winners: Nyla Rose and Marina Shafir

Brian Cage and Prince Nana head to the ring, with Rob McKnight already waiting inside.

Brian Cage (w/ Prince Nana) vs. Rob McKnight

The bell rings and the two lock up. Cage delivers a pair of knees and a bodyslam, but McKnight delivers a pair of chops. Cage remains on his feet, then whips McKnight into the corner and delivers a clothesline. He tosses him across the ring, then does some bicep curls with McKnight and plants him. McKnight delivers a running elbow, but Cage fires back with a superkick and a powerbomb. He then locks in an Inverted Cloverleaf for the win.


Winner: Brian Cage

Juice Robinson heads to the ring, with Titus Alexander already waiting inside.

Juice Robinson vs. Titus Alexander

The bell rings and the two lock up. Robinson delivers a series of boots and a splash, but Alexander fires back with a chop and looks for a dropkick. Robinson ducks out of the way and hits a boot, then hits a senton and a series of chops. Alexander lands a dropkick, then delivers a flying forearm and a kick to Robinson's face. He follows it up with a spinning backbreaker, then plants him with a German suplex and goes for a pin. Robinson kicks out, and rakes Alexander's eyes, then sends him into the ring post shoulder first and hits a German suplex. He follows it up with The Juice Is Loose for the win.


Winner: Juice Robinson

Leila Grey heads to the ring, followed by Skye Blue.

Skye Blue vs. Leila Grey

The bell rings and the two lock up. Grey trips Blue, but Blue quickly recovers and hits a pair of arm drags. Grey plants Blue, then delivers a right hand to her midsection and gloats. She hits a running knee and stomps Blue, then delivers a right hand to her spine. Blue fires back with a forearm and a knee to Grey's face, then delivers a running knee of her own and a dropkick. Grey hits a side slam and looks for an underhook facebuster, but Blue manages to deliver Skyefall for the win.


Winner: Skye Blue

Cole Karter and Lee Johnson head to the ring, followed by Christopher Daniels.

Christopher Daniels vs. Cole Karter (w/ Lee Johnson)

The bell rings and the two lock up. Daniels delivers an arm drag, but Karter fires back with several boots to Daniels' midsection. Karter delivers a splash in the corner, then follows it up with a lariat and a dropkick. Karter delivers a right hand and locks in a chinlock, but Daniels escapes and hits a German suplex. He follows it up with a clothesline and a knee, then sets up for Angel's Wings. Karter escapes and hits a bodyslam, then ascends to the top and looks for a 450 Splash. Daniels escapes and delivers a Uranage, then climbs to the top and hits Best Moonsault Ever for the win.


Winner: Christopher Daniels

Brooke Havok heads to the ring, followed by Athena.

Athena vs. Brooke Havok in a ROH Women's World Title Proving Ground Match

The bell rings and the two lock up. Athena sends Havok crashing into the mat, but Havok fires back with a swinging neckbreaker and a dropkick. Athena plants Havok, then delivers a series of powerbombs and locks in a Crossface for the win.


Winner: Athena

After the match, Athena continues to beat down Havok, but Willow Nightingale's music hits and she runs down the ring to give Havok a hand. Athena slides out of the ring and mocks Nightingale while heading to the back as Nightingale helps Havok up.

Lance Archer heads to the ring, with Jack Banning already waiting inside.

Lance Archer vs. Jack Banning

The bell rings and Archer wastes no time. He delivers a splash, then looks for a boot. Banning ducks it before Archer sends him crashing into the mat and whips him into the corner. He delivers an overhand chop and a running back elbow, then whips him into the corner once again. He then sets up for Blackout, but Banning escapes before Archer catches him with a boot. Banning then ascends to the middle rope and goes flying, but Archer catches him and plants him with a powerbomb. He follows it up with a lariat that turns Banning inside out for the win.


Winner: Lance Archer

Lee Johnson and Cole Karter head to the ring, followed by Evil Uno.

Evil Uno vs. Lee Johnson (w/ Cole Karter)

Karter grabs Uno's ankle, allowing Johnson to gain the upper hand.nThe bell rings and Johnson delivers a series of stomps to Uno. Uno fires back with several of his own, then delivers a chop. Johnson fires back with a dropkick and a right hand to his head, then sends Uno face first into the top turnbuckle. The two go back and forth with chops before Johnson delivers a back elbow and a thrust kick. Uno fires back with a lariat and a right hand, then hits a lariat in the corner and follows it up with a short-arm clothesline. He ascends to the top and delivers a senton, then goes for a pin but Johnson kicks out. Johnson then hits a Death Valley Driver and follows it up with a running knee and a sidekick, then ascends to the top and goes flying. Uno moves out of the way and delivers a big boot, then follows it up with a Tombstone for the win.


Winner: Evil Uno

