Hulk Hogan Reveals Wrestlers He Had The Most Real-Life Heat With In His Career

Hulk Hogan has opened up more than usual lately while doing media tour for his new brand of cannabis-related wellness products. This included an appearance on "FULL SEND PODCAST," where, among other things, he was asked who he had the biggest outside-the-ring personal issues with during his wrestling career. 


With the caveat that he had no ill will for any of the three wrestlers he named, he brought up three of the more obvious suspects among those who called him out over the years.

"It was Macho Man [Randy Savage,]" he recalled. "And when he lived on the beach here [in Tampa], we were together every single day. And then, when he went through a divorce [with Elizabeth], he thought I had something to do with it, and so that turned out to be like, an eight-year 'don't talk to each other' thing. We finally got on the same page about six months before he passed away, thank God," revealed Hogan. 

"The only other person was Bret Hart, who thought I basically sabotaged his career, because Bret thought he should have been the greatest wrestler that ever lived, and he said it was my fault. [Shrugs] Okay?" 


The Hall of Famer also included Scott Steiner, who he felt took anger out on him because he was the only one willing to talk to him and relay booking instructions.

Hogan added that he and Hart got along well during their time together in WCW, something that Hart's memoir corroborates. But "The Hitman" spoke negatively about Hogan again after WCW folded. Hart's book, though, speaks positively of Hogan for serving as a sounding board and supportive friend during the aftermath of his brother Owen Hart's death in May 1999.

If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit "FULL SEND PODCAST" with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

