AEW Rampage Results 6/16 - Mixed Trios Match, Konosuke Takeshita Vs. Bandido

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results of "AEW Rampage" on June 16, 2023, coming to you from the Capital One Arena in Washington, D.C.!

Ahead of his match against Kenny Omega for the IWGP United States Heavyweight Championship on June 25 at Forbidden Door, Will Ospreay will join forces with United Empire teammates Kyle Fletcher and Jeff Cobb to take on CHAOS' Trent Beretta, Chuck Taylor, and Rocky Romero. Ospreay ambushed Omega at the tail-end of Wednesday's edition of "AEW Dynamite" following a trios match between Blackpool Combat Club and The Elite.


After joining forces with The Lucha Brothers to defeat Ethan Page, Big Bill, and Lee Moriarty during last week's "Rampage", Bandido looks to score another victory as he goes one-on-one with Konosuke Takeshita. Takeshita has been making waves in AEW since aligning himself with Don Callis and helping the aforementioned Blackpool Combat Club win their Anarchy In The Arena match at AEW Double or Nothing.

Aubrey Edwards may be best known as a referee in AEW, but tonight she will lace up her boots as she teams up with Mark Briscoe and Papa Briscoe to face Jay Lethal, Jeff Jarrett, and Karen Jarrett in mixed trios action. The issues between Edwards and Karen have been well documented over the past few weeks, beginning late last month after Karen took a guitar shot Edwards at Double or Nothing.


Taya Valkyrie last competed in an AEW ring on May 28 for the TBS Championship, but ultimately fell short to Jade Cargill. Tonight, she looks to bounce back from the loss as she squares off with Trish Adora in her return to action. Valkyrie has been vying for another shot at the TBS Championship since Kris Statlander dethroned Cargill at the aforementioned pay-per-view following her match.

We are live! Jim Ross, Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and Chris Jericho greet audiences at home as United Empire and CHAOS wait in the ring.

United Empire vs. CHAOS

Ospreay and Romero begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. Ospreay clocks Best Friends on the apron, then fires off uppercuts on Romero. Ospreay lands a chop, but Romero fires back with a hurricanrana. Cobb tags in and CHAOS levels him. Taylor tags in and delivers a boot, then tags Beretta back in. Best Friends hit a back elbow before Romero tags back in and wears down Ospreay (the legal man). Taylor tags in and fires off boots, but Ospreay lands a springboard kick.


Back from the break, Beretta tags in and lands a forearm on Fletcher. Fletcher fires back with one of his own, and the two go back and forth before Beretta plants Fletcher. He follows it up with a pair of back suplexes and a back elbow, then hits a Brainbuster. Cobb and Taylor tag in and Best Friends deliver a knee before Taylor lands a bodyslam. Romero tags in and Best Friends and Romero look for a triple hug, but Cobb plants them and delivers a suplex. Ospreay tags in and executes a running boot, then delivers a flying back elbow off the top. Romero responds with an uppercut. Fletcher then holds Romero in place as Ospreay delivers a sliding lariat for the win.

Winners: United Empire

Taya Valkyrie heads down to the ring. Trish Adora is already waiting inside.


Taya Valkyrie vs. Trish Adora

The bell rings and Valkyrie fires off forearms. She delivers a chop to Adora's spine, then follows it up with a kick to her midsection and a clothesline in the corner. She lands the double running knees and goes for a pin, but Adora kicks out. Adora delivers a couple of forearms to Valkyrie's midsection, then delivers a back elbow but Valkyrie lands a kick on her spine. Adora hits a running boot, then fires off forearms. Valkyrie delivers a spear and ties her legs up, then executes a kick to her spine for the win.


Winner: Taya Valkyrie

Jay Lethal, Jeff and Karen Jarrett, Sonjay Dutt, and Satnam Singh head to the ring. Mark Briscoe, Papa Briscoe, and Aubrey Edwards follow.

Mark Briscoe, Papa Briscoe, and Aubrey Edwards vs. Jay Lethal, Jeff Jarrett, and Karen Jarrett (w/ Sonjay Dutt and Satnam Singh)

Mark and Jay begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. Mark lands a shoulder tackle, then tags in Jeff. Jeff delivers an arm drag, but Mark responds with several chops and an arm drag of his own. He lands a second one before Karen and Aubrey tag in. Aubrey calls for Karen to lock up, but Karen tags Lethal in. Mark tags in and wears Lethal down before Papa Briscoe tags in and sends him crashing into the corner. Mark tags back in and delivers a suplex, then ascends to the top.


Back from the break, Mark delivers a double clothesline to Jeff and Lethal. Papa Briscoe tags in and lands a pair of clotheslines, then hits a spear. Edwards and Karen tag in. Edwards rains down right and left hands, then hits a pair of snapmares. Karen rakes Edwards' eye, then grabs the guitar. Edwards wrestles the guitar away from her and grabs it, then looks to hit Karen with it. Lethal inserts himself between the two women and calls for Edwards to hit him with it. Singh hops up on the apron, capturing the referee's attention. This allows Edwards to hit Lethal with the guitar. Karen then sets up for The Stroke, but Edwards plants her and locks in the Figure Four Leg Lock for the win.

Winners: Mark Briscoe, Papa Briscoe, and Aubrey Edwards


Bandido then heads down to the ring. Konosuke Takeshita follows, and Don Callis joins commentary.

Konosuke Takeshita vs. Bandido

The bell rings and Bandido offers his hand to Takeshita. Takeshita refuses to shake it and Bandido fires off several shots. Takeshita tosses Bandido across the ring, then hits a running knee. The action spills to the outside and Takeshita goes flying. He then throws Bandido into the barricade before landing a running boot that sends him into the crowd. He gets Bandido back in the ring and looks for a delayed vertical suplex, but Bandido escapes and plants Takeshita with one of his own. He follows it up with a second one, then lands an enziguri to Takeshita on the apron and ascends to the top before delivering a hurricanrana. Callus strolls down to ringside as Bandido gets Takeshita back in the ring, then looks for a springboard crossbody. Takeshita catches him with a knee and rains down right hands.


Back from the break, Bandido fires off forearms. Takeshita responds with a clothesline, then rains down right hands. Bandido lands a boot and an uppercut, then follows it up with a Tornado DDT. The action spills back to the outside, and Bandido delivers a moonsault off the top. They make their way back inside the ring, where Takeshita lands a Blue Thunder Bomb. Bandido presses Takeshita over his head and plants him, then ascends to the top and lands a Frog Splash. He sits Takeshita on the top and joins him up there, but Takeshita bites him and delivers a clothesline. He goes for a pin, but Bandido kicks out.

Bandido delivers his signature German release suplex, but Takeshita lands on his feet. Bandido responds with a boot, but Takeshita hits a boot of his own. Bandido then lands a Sunset Flip and a reverse hurricanrana before Takeshita catches Bandido with the jumping knee. He delivers a forearm to his spine and lands a second jumping knee for the win.


Winner: Konosuke Takeshita

