Jerry Lynn Spoon-Fed A Drugged Rob Van Dam The First Time They Met

While many ECW fans fondly remember the championship feud between Rob Van Dam and Jerry Lynn, RVD has revealed a rather fuzzy memory of their first time meeting each other. During a recent episode of "1 Of A Kind," RVD explained how Lynn came to his aid while he was under the influence of Somas (muscle relaxers).


"This was the Soma days, back before I knew how dangerous they were. I would eat Somas sometimes, and one of those times would be when I'm on an airplane trying to sleep. So, I got on the airplane, I think it was ValuJet ... Jerry [Lynn] was sitting much more towards the front, so I passed him on the way to the back. That's where I met him," RVD said. "[I said] 'Hey, Jerry, you know, what's up, dude? Good to meet you.' I went back there, to the back, in my seat, and I apparently took some Somas so that I could take a nap on the airplane. And I thought that I would eat some cereal that the stewardess handed out to help kick in the Somas."

Shortly after RVD ingested the Somas, Lynn approached him for a conversation. While RVD can't recall the contents of their discussion, he remembers having trouble holding his spoon as he tried to simultaneously eat his cereal. Though it's unclear which cereal he was attempting to eat, RVD seems to believe it was likely Froot Loops. As RVD struggled to guide the spoon to his mouth, Lynn kindly stepped in to spoon-feed him.


"That motherf***er ended up feeding me," RVD said. "First time I met him, he's feeding me Froot Loops or something. I don't know what our conversation would have entailed at that point, what we could have possibly talked about when he came back there, but yeah, man, nice dude. He took over the spoon right away."

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "1 Of A Kind" with a H/T to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

