NWA Star Aron Stevens Discusses His New Role As A Manager, Being Inspired By Jim Cornette

Aron Stevens — formerly known as Damien Sandow in WWE — is currently the on-screen manager for Blunt Force Trauma (Carnage and Damage) in the National Wrestling Alliance. The 2013 Money in the Bank contract winner opened up about his role while speaking on SiriusXM's "Busted Open Radio" show. 


"It just kind of fell in where I was managing Rodney Mack," Stevens said. "So again, I'm going to do that to the best of my ability, and Billy [Corgan - NWA's owner] said, 'Hey, I think you should try being a manager.' 'Okay.' I'm having a blast with it."

Stevens — who returned to the world of professional wrestling in 2019 following a two-and-a-half-year hiatus — also disclosed which former on-screen managers inspired him. 

"Bobby Heenan, I think he's incredible ... Jim Cornette because of OVW [Ohio Valley Wrestling] and being around him. 

"And, you may laugh at this one, but one of my favorite managers of all time was the 'Doctor of Style' Slick. He does not get the credit he deserves just for being as good as he was, but he was in the era where you had Heenan, [Lou] Albano, so many others. I mean, Mount Rushmore-type managers, but I was always a fan of Slick, and I tried to just incorporate that, even if it was just how he moves and stuff. So yeah, I'm a big fan of him."


Stevens led Blunt Force Trauma to the finals of NWA's Crockett Cup in June. However, Carnage and Damage were denied the trophy by Mike Knox and Trevor Murdoch. Stevens' tag team defeated The Outrunners, Los Jinetes del Aire, and La Rebelión on their way to the tournament's closing match. 

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit SiriusXM's "Busted Open Radio" with an h/t to Wrestling Inc for the transcription.

