AEW Collision Results 8/19 - Darby Allin Vs. Christian Cage, Ricky Starks To Speak

Welcome to Wrestling Inc's live coverage of the August 19 episode of "AEW Collison." This week's episode comes from the Kupp Arena in Lexington, Kentucky. This episode is also part of AEW's special, Fight for the Fallen.


Darby Allin is set to face Christan Cage, while Willow Nightingale will face Diamante. Powerhouse Hobbs will be in action too. Bullet Club Gold leader Jay White is going to be in a match against Dalton Castle.

There will be a few segments too, Miro is set to speak, while Starks is another star that will be speaking about his suspension and what's next for him. During last week's episode of "Collision," it was revealed that he was suspended from in-ring action due to his attack on Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat, who at that time was an acting referee.

The show starts off with Samoa Joe coming out to the ring and the Golden Vampire is his opponent and is already in the ring. Vampire gets the attack on Joe right away. He takes off his mask and it's actually Punk. The crowd chants, Punk's name, and Punk tells Joe that he "accepts b**ch." Joe is irritated that Punk got the upper hand on him.


A video package airs about the first All In pay-per-view that happened in five years ago. It's White and Castle next.

Jay White Vs. Dalton Castle

Castle pushes White down. White is in the corner and hip kicks. Castle is out of the ring and the boys push him back in. Castle is now in the corner and shoulder hits and chops. Castle gives him some chops back.


Bullet Club Gold members chase after the Boys. White is in control of the match now. They are outside of the ring. It cuts to commercials. Back from the break and White is bearhugging Castle. White and Castle strike each other. Castle suplexes White, and both men are down. They get up at the same time and more chops. Ripcord elbow connects and more suplexes to White. German suplex to White and Castle gets a two count.

Castle goes over the rope and White chops him on the announce table. He rolls in to not get counted out. Castle hits a hurricanrana. The Gunns and Robinson try to imitate him, but the boys come and save him. They are back in the ring, White hits an enziguri, then and each counter and kick out from their each other moves. White hits a Sleeper Suplex to Castle and White hits the Switchblade for the pinfall.


Winner: White

Post-match, , Tony Schiavone is out with mic and he's interviewing Bullet Club Gold. White gives a message to Kenny Omega and says Bullet Club Gold is better than The Elite. It doesn't matter who he brings in. Robinson gets the mic and calls out "Hangman" Adam Page and then The Gunns get the mic and they say that they want a match.

The Iron Savages Vs. The Gunns & Juice Robinson

It's now the Iron Savages versus The Bullet Club Gold. The match starts off with Austen and Bronson. Bronson gets the upper hand until Austin tags in his brother and then Robinson gets tagged in. Bronson is now getting destroyed. Robinson hits a v-rigger (Robinson says during the match that was his "v-trigger").


Back from the break and it's Robinson and Bronson in the ring. White is on commentary. Bronson tags in Boulder and he throws everyone to the ground. Double suplexes to the Gunns. Robinson flies into Boulder, who throws him on top of the Gunns. Drop kicks to the Gunns, but now Bronson is only in the ring. He gets attacked by all three, 3:10 to Yuma and Robinson gets the pinfall.

Winner: Bullet Club Gold

Video package air showing The Acclaimed and the Billy Gunn storyline, where he retired and what happened last Wednesday with The House of Black stealing Gunn's boots.

House of Black shares a video message, it's a "funeral" for Gunn? Malakai Black has the boots in his hands with Buddy Matthews, Julia Hart, and Brody King by him. They throw the boots in the garbage.


Ricky Starks Speaks, Big Bill Vs.Derek Neal

Back from the break and it's a video package of Rush saying how he needs LFI to become a more brutal team. They show the members getting "kidnapped."

Starks is being interviewed by Schiavone, he says that he's going to bring chaos tonight. Big Bill is with him. A video package of Starks airs then his music airs after the video ends. Bill is with him.


Darren Neal is his opponent and was already in the ring. Neal slaps Bill and Starks calls him an "idiot." A big boot to Neal after Bill repeatedly yells, "You're going to hit me." Chokeslam and Bill get the pinfall.

Post-match, Starks comes to the ring and fist bumps Bill and then tells him to attack Neal. Starks has the belt that he whipped Steamboat with and he hits Neal with it. After Bill throws Neal outside of the ring. Both of them pose on the top rope.

They show Allin and Sting attacking AR Fox at his wrestling school.

Willow Nightingale Vs. Diamante, Hobbs In Action

The bell rings, and Diamante tries for a kick, but Nightingale blocks her. Diamante is in the corner and elbows and stomps to Diamante. Nightingale throws Diamante to the ropes, but she side-sweeps her. Nightingale is on her knees, but she gets up and Diamante ends up being thrown outside of the ring. Mercedes Martinez comes out. Diamante is back in the ring. Running charge. Diamante hits her in the back of the head. Commercial break.


Back from the break, Nightingale hits an Irish whip and then a spinebuster, she gets a two-count. Nightingale is now in the corner and double knees to the face. Diamante gets a two-count. Diamante is on the top rope and Nightingale throws her off. Martinez gets into the match, but Statlander comes out. Nightingale hits a bomb.

Winner: Nightingale

Post-match, Statlander and Nightingale pose together. Back from the break and it's Toni Storm backstage with Lexy Nair. She says that she will be the AEW Women's Champion at AEW All In. 

Hobbs versus Kevin Ku

Powerhouse Hobbs comes out and he's going to face Ku. The crowd is chanting his name. Hobbs grabs Ku by the hair. Hobbs blocks a crossbody. Hobbs hits a German suplex from the top rope—forearms to Ku and a lariat. Irish whips him into the spinebuster.


Winner: Hobbs

Post–match, Hobbs has him in Miro's submission move. Miro comes on the screen and says he's here to replace his "god." He tells Hobbs, he can call him a "god" and will "pi** on his cold dead body. Hobbs laughs and walks out of the ring. The commentators are talking about All In matches and the bromance between MJF and Adam Cole. 

Main Event: Darby Allin Vs. Christian Cage

Allin and Cage lock up. Allin is in the corner but gets out of Cage's grip. They do the test of strength. Hammerlock to Cage, who tries to get out of it. Allin throws Cage out of the ring. Back in the ring and Allin is in the corner again and Cage kicks him. Allin is on the ground, Cage has all offense.


Back from the break, both men try to get the pinfall, counters over and over again. Backbreaker to Cage and he gets a two-count. They are now outside of the ring and Cage chops Allin. Allin is back in the ring, but Cage goes out and teases him with the TNT Belt.

Cage kicks him. Allin is on the ground, he is trying to get up. He finally gets some offense, but it's too late, Cage hits him with a back breakker. Cage tries to spear him Allin, but he counters it and gets a two-count after he hits a Canadian Destroyer. Allin uses Cage's turtleneck to blind him.

Darby Allin Wins, But Gets Attacked

The show is back and Allin is bleeding. Coffindrop to Lucharasus. Cage is on a chair and Allin dropkicks him from the top rope. Allin tries to do a coffin drop but hits the ring apron. Cage hits him with the TNT title, but Allin puts his leg on the rope.


Allin throws him in the ring corner. He puts him on the top rope and climbs up. He's biting Cage. Spear to Allin and Cage gets a two-count. Cage goes for his finisher but Allin counters it and does a roll-up for the win.

Winner: Allin

Post-match, Schiavone is in the ring and says that Allin earns his shot for the TNT Title Cage hits him with the belt and he gets chokeslammed by Luchasaurus. They force Schiavone to do a three-count. The camera cuts to Fox and Strickland in the back laughing at Allin's embarrassment. Schiavone was also forced to call Cage the TNT Champion. The show ends with Allin laying out in the ring. 

