AEW Rampage Results 9/29 - Two Title Matches, Soho Vs. Shida In A #1 Contenders Bout

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results for "AEW Rampage" on September 29, 2023, coming to you from the 1STBANK Center in Broomfield, Colorado!

The AEW World Trios Championship will be on the line, as The Acclaimed and "Daddy Ass" Billy Gunn will be defending tonight against The Hardys and Isiah Kassidy. Anthony Bowens, Max Caster, and Gunn most recently retained their title over Dark Order and Jay Lethal, Jeff Jarrett, and Satnam Singh on last week's "Rampage" Grand Slam special and the AEW All Out Zero Hour Pre-Show respectively.


After defeating Claudio Castagnoli at "AEW Dynamite" Grand Slam last week to win the ROH World Championship and retain his NJPW STRONG Openweight Championship in a Title vs. Title match, Eddie Kingston will be putting the latter title on the line against Rocky Romero. Romero last competed in an AEW ring back in June on the AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door Zero Hour Pre-Show, during which himself, Trent Beretta, Chuck Taylor, and El Desperado came up short to Mogul Embassy.

The next challenger for Saraya's AEW Women's World Championship will be determined, as Ruby Soho collides with Hikaru Shida in a Number One Contenders match. The winner will receive their shot in two weeks on a special Tuesday night edition of "Dynamite". Although the pair have previously squared off with one another on a handful of occasions in tag team and trios bouts, this will be the first time they've ever faced each other in singles competition.


Additionally, The Righteous will be returning to action tonight after defeating The Hardys, The Kingdom, and Best Friends in a Number One Contenders Four-Way match last week to earn a shot at the ROH World Tag Team Championship this Sunday at AEW WrestleDream.

We are live! Excalibur and Taz greet audiences at home as The Acclaimed, Billy Gunn, The Hardys, and Isiah Kassidy are waiting in the ring.

The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn (c) vs. The Hardys and Isiah Kassidy for the AEW World Trios Championship

Bowens and Kassidy begin the action. The bell rings and Bowens delivers a pair of kicks to Kassidy, then follows it up with a Famouser. Bowens plants Kassidy, then tags in Caster. Matt tags in and lands a kick before Jeff tags in and delivers a splash from the middle rope. Jeff lands a kick before Gunn and Matt tag in and Matt delivers a back elbow and a kick. He follows it up with The Three Faces of Deletion and tags in Jeff. Kassidy tags in and the pair use Matt as a launching pad to go flying. Bowens and Caster take out The Hardys, and Bowens delivers Scissor Me Timbers to Kassidy.


Back from the break, Gunn tags in and delivers a right hand to Matt on the apron. He then charges at Cassidy in the corner, but Cassidy ducks out of the way and lands an enzuigiri. Jeff tags in and clotheslines Gunn out of the ring. He executes a Side Russian Leg Sweep on the now-legal Bowens and goes for a pin, but Caster kicks out. Jeff then delivers a Whisper In The Wind to Bowens and Caster. Gunn looks for a Famouser, but Jeff ducks out of the way. Matt then lands a neckbreaker, but Bowens and Caster take down Matt. Kassidy and Bowens tag in, and Kassidy delivers a Tornado DDT off the top rope. Bowens and Caster then double team on him and land their double team finisher for the win.

Winners (and still): The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn


We then head backstage and see a confrontation between Eddie Kingston and Jay Lethal, Jeff and Karen Jarrett, Satnam Singh, and Sonjay Dutt.

Back from the break, Rocky Romero heads down to the ring. Eddie Kingston follows.

Eddie Kingston (c) vs. Rocky Romero for the NJPW STRONG Openweight Championship

The bell rings and the two lock up. Romero delivers a dropkick and looks for a shoulder tackle, but Kingston blocks it. Romero then delivers a hurricanrana that sends Kingston out of the ring before delivering a pair of tope suicidas. He looks for a third one, but Kingston catches him and executes a delayed vertical suplex.


Back from the break, Romero delivers a kick to Kingston's chest. Kingston asks him if that's all he's got, and Romero delivers another kick to his chest. He follows it up with a dropkick-stomp combination off the top rope, but Kingston responds with a lariat and rapid fire chops. The pair teeter on the ropes before Romero executes a Sliced Bread. Kingston fires back with a pair of Urakens and locks in the Stretch Plum for the win.

Winner (and still): Eddie Kingston

After the match, Kingston and Romero bow down to one another as a sign of respect. Katsuyori Shibata's music then hits, and he makes his way down to the ring. He offers his hand to Kingston, and Kingston takes it.

The Righteous then make their way down to the ring. Caleb Crush and Gunnar are already waiting in the ring.


The Righteous vs. Caleb Crush and Gunnar

The bell rings and Dutch levels Crush and Gunnar right out of the gate. Vincent goes after Crush before Dutch levels him and Gunnar with a Sidewalk Slam. Vincent then delivers another Sidewalk Slam to Crush for the win.


Winners: The Righteous

Back from the break, Ruby Soho heads down to the ring. Hikaru Shida follows. 

Hikaru Shida vs. Ruby Soho in a Number One Contendership for the AEW Women's World Championship

The bell rings and Shida lands a shoulder tackle. She looks to rain down right hands in the corner, but Soho rolls out of the ring to take a breather. She gets back in and fires off shoulders on Shida's midsection. Shida fires back with a forearm and a few right hands, then lands a boot on her head and sends her into the top turnbuckle face first. She then fires off right hands and lands a springboard crossbody before firing off more right hands in the corner. Shida then lands a dropkick off the middle rope.


Back from the break, Soho and Shida are exchanging forearms. Shida gains the upper hand and delivers a knee, then follows it up with a suplex and sets up for the Katana. Soho rolls out of the ring and Shida lands a kick off the ring steps. She then gets Soho up on her shoulders and drags her up the ramp. Soho slips out of her grasp and lands a pair of right hands. She then delivers a pair of headbutts and runs back down to the ring to break the referee's ten count.

Soho delivers a knee to Shida, then follows it up with a Saito Suplex. The referee then goes down, and Soho delivers Destination Unknown. She goes for the pin, but the referee isn't around to count the fall. She then grabs Shida's kendo stick, but Shida wrestles it away from her and cracks it across her head. She follows it up with the Katana and goes for a pin, but the referee is still down. A second one runs down and counts the fall, but Soho manages to kick out. Soho executes a back heel trip and ascends to the top. She looks for a senton, but Shida rolls out of the way and lands a Falcon Arrow. She goes for a pin, but Soho kicks out and lands No Future. Shida fires back with the Katana for the win.


Winner: Hikaru Shida

