WWE Raw Results 10/2 - Intercontinental Title Contract Signing, Xavier Woods Vs. Ivar

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results for "WWE Raw" on October 2, 2023, coming to you live from the SAP Center in San Jose, California!

Coming off his win against Ludwig Kaiser last week, Tommaso Ciampa will be putting pen-to-paper for his upcoming Intercontinental Championship match with GUNTHER. The longest reigning titleholder made it crystal clear that he was enraged by the loss, with this not being the first time he's showing frustration with his Imperium teammates.


Shayna Baszler will be going head-to-head with Nia Jax. Since her return to WWE on September 11, Jax has sidelined Women's World Champion Rhea Ripley, forced the tag team match between Baszler, Zoey Stark, Piper Niven, and Chelsea Green to end in a no contest, and beat Stark in singles competition.

After his teammate Kofi Kingston came up short against Drew McIntyre last week, Xavier Woods looks to bring home a win for New Day as he goes one-on-one with Ivar of The Viking Raiders. During said matchup, Ivar blindsided Woods (who was at ringside), capturing the attention of Kingston and allowing McIntyre to land a Claymore Kick for the win.

Speaking of McIntyre, not only did he defeat Kingston last week, but he appeared on "Miz TV", finding himself in a heated verbal exchange with host The Miz which ultimately led to him headbutting "The A-Lister". In light of that, McIntyre will be making a second appearance on the talk show in what is sure to be a fiery confrontation.


Additionally, World Heavyweight Champion Seth "Freakin" Rollins, Cody Rhodes, Sami Zayn, and Kevin Owens are amongst those advertised to be in town tonight, per WWE's event page.

We are live! Michael Cole and Wade Barrett greet audiences at home as Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler are brawling on the ramp. Baszler locks Jax in a Sleeper, but Jax fights her off. Raquel Rodriguez's music hits and she runs down to the ring and goes after Jax. Rhea Ripley is hot on her heels to take out Rodriguez until security heads out and pulls all four women apart. Ripley levels one of the security guards with Riptide as Jax and Baszler brawl on the ramp.

Rhea Ripley Has A Chat With Damian Priest and Dominik Mysterio

Ripley welcomes fans to "Raw" and says she's not leaving the ring. She then calls Judgment Day out to the ring.

Damian Priest and Dominik Mysterio then saunter down to the ring.

Ripley says she has some Judgment Day business to take care of, then clarifies that there's not supposed to be a leader of the group. She says someone comes up with a game plan, and the second she gets taken out, things start falling apart. She says she left it up to Priest to handle things, but he didn't and now both he and Finn Balor are sidelined. She says if that wasn't enough, Dominik Mysterio lost his North American Championship as he wasn't there to help and now both Cody Rhodes and Jey Uso are after Judgment day. She asks him what he's going to do about it, and Priest tells Ripley she isn't saying anything he doesn't know. He says he will push harder, then says screw Rhodes, Jey, and the fans. He points out that he's still holding on to his Money In The Bank briefcase while Dominik's title is nowhere to be found.


Ripley glares over at Dominik, and says since she's his mami, that makes him her papi. She says she got him a rematch for the North American Championship against Jey, but if he loses, then he shouldn't bother coming home.

Jey's music hits and he makes his way down to the ring. He gives Ripley a proper welcome back, then says she was missed dearly during her absence and there's now a new Tribal Chief on "Raw" who's more brave than Roman Reigns ever was. Priest tells Jey he's tired of hearing him running his mouth and looks to go after him, but Dominik stops him and reminds Priest he isn't medically cleared to handle Judgment Day business. He says he'll step up to take care of things, and Priest allows him to do so despite protests from Ripley.


Priest and Ripely exit the ring, and Jey superkicks Dominik. JD McDonagh appears to provide Dominik with a helping hand, and the two double team on Jey. Priest then looks to join in, but Cody Rhodes' music hits to help Jey out. He plants Dominik with a Cross-Rhodes before Adam Pearce appears. He informs Priest and Finn Balor that they will be putting the Undisputed Tag Team Championship against Jey and Rhodes at WWE Fastlane.

Alpha Academy then makes their way down to the ring. Imperium follows. 

Alpha Academy vs. Imperium

Kaiser and Gable begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. Gable executes an arm drag, but Kaiser fires back with a shoulder tackle before the two go back and forth with submission holds. Vinci tags in and delivers a boot to Gable's midsection. He follows it up with an uppercut, but Gable lands a suplex and ascends to the top. Kaiser pulls Vinci out of the ring, and Otis dumps Gable on top of the pair to level them.


Back from the break, Kaiser lands a right hand on Gable's head. Vinci tags in and delivers a stomp to Gable, then lands an uppercut and a clothesline. Kaiser tags in and lands an elbow on Gable's spine. Gable fires back with a back body drop and cinches in an Ankle Lock. Kaiser fights him off and Gable lands a German suplex. Otis tags in and lands a clothesline before hitting a suplex and a splash in the corner. He executes The Caterpillar and looks for a slam, but Vinci pulls him off the ropes. Gable takes him out with a cannonball off the apron, but Kaiser fires back with an enzuigiri for the win.

Winners: Imperium

We then head backstage to Adam Pearce and Tegan Nox. Pearce informs Nox that her "NXT" Women's Championship with Becky Lynch had to be postponed due to the latter sustaining an injury and No Mercy before Chelsea Green interrupts and Pearce makes a match between the two official.


Back from the break, Bronson Reed heads down to the ring. Cedric Alexander is already waiting inside the ring.

Bronson Reed vs. Cedric Alexander

The bell rings and Alexander wastes no time going after Reed. He sends him to the outside and delivers a kick through the middle rope, and the pair return to the ring. Alexander lands a kick on Reed, then ascends to the top. Reed drags him down, then delivers a splash and a senton. He follows it up with Tsunami for the win.


Winner: Bronson Reed

Back from the break, Adam Peace is waiting in the ring.

GUNTHER and Tommaso Ciampa Put Pen To Paper For Their Intercontinental Championship Match

Pearce introduces Tommaso Ciampa and GUNTHER, and they make their way down to the ring.

Ciampa looks to sign the contract, but before he does, he grabs a mic and says the air will taste different and the sun will shine less when he fights him for the Intercontinental Championship. He says while GUNTHER has been served five course meals, he's been served roadkill. He says when he walks out the curtain, he's fighting for him. He promises that he will be the new titleholder, then signs the contract.


GUNTHER reminds Ciampa that this is a contract signing for the most prestigious title, then says Ciampa talks about fighting for himself. He says that his title is near and dear to him, and Ciampa says GUNTHER is confident for someone who's world is about to crumble around him. GUNTHER tells Ciampa to never talk to him again, and says this is the closest he will ever get to his title. Ciampa says that there are a great deal of eyes on them, and they don't have to wait to fight for the Intercontinental Championship when they can do it tonight. GUNTHER signs the contract and agrees. He then makes the match official tonight. He tosses the table out of the ring before Ciampa cinches in the Sicilian Stretch.


New Day then makes their way down to the ring. Ivar follows.

Xavier Woods (w/ Kofi Kingston) vs. Ivar

The bell rings and Woods dropkicks Ivar into the corner. He follows it up with a knee and a few chops, but Ivar fires back with a senton and a suplex. Ivar hits another senton, but Woods delivers a kick and clotheslines him out of the ring. He looks to go flying, but Ivar shoves him into the ring apron. He looks for a crossbody, but Woods avoids it and delivers a dropkick off the barricade.


Back from the break, Woods lands a few chops and follows it up with a pair of kicks and a forearm. Woods gets Ivar up on his shoulders and delivers a Death Valley Driver, but Ivar plants Woods and ascends to the top. Woods looks to pull him down, but Ivar executes a sit out and climbs back up to the top. He looks for a splash, but Woods avoids it and rolls up Ivar. Ivar kicks out, but Woods rolls him up once again for the win.

Winner: Xavier Woods

After the match, Ivar attacks Woods but Kingston provides him with a hand. Ivar eventually overpowers him and powerbombs him on top of Woods. He then delivers a moonsault off the ropes to both men.

Back from the break, Seth "Freakin" Rollins heads down to the ring as Michael Cole is waiting inside.


Seth Rollins Chats With Michael Cole

Rollins welcomes fans to Monday Night Rollins before Cole says he's come up with a lot of nicknames for Rollins over the years. He says he's called Rollins a puppeteer at times, but now it seems like he's the puppet. Rollins gets a little defensive and says he's been asking for the rematch for weeks. Cole then asks Rollins why he's participating in a Last Man Standing match against Shinsuke Nakamura at Fastlane, and Rollins asks Cole how many years he's been doing commentary and how many shows he's missed. Cole says none, and Rollins says he knows what it's like to be addicted to the business. He explains that by leaving it all in the ring, he will be an honorable man and set an example for his daughter.


Nakamura appears on the Titan Tron with a message, but then blindsides Rollins in the ring and delivers a Kinshaha to the back of his neck. He grabs a chair and cracks it across his spine repeatedly , then mocks him by counting to ten. Rollins makes his way to his feet before he can finish, and Nakamura sends him crashing on top of the chair spine first. He lands a second Kinshasa before counting to ten once more. He completes the count, then grabs the World Heavyweight Championship and holds it up.

Chelsea Green and Piper Niven then head down to the ring. Tegan Nox follows. 

Tegan Nox vs. Chelsea Green (w/ Piper Niven)

The bell rings and Green lands a boot. She rolls up Nox, but Nox kicks her out and lands a back elbow. Green looks for the Unprettier, but Nox escapes. Green lands a boot that sends Nox crashing out of the ring, then charges at her. Nox ducks out of the way and delivers a cannonball off the apron. She tosses her back in and ascends to the top, but Niven gets in her face and captures her attention. Natalya runs down to the ring to provide Nox with some backup as Nox delivers a 450 Splash. She follows it up with the Shiniest Wizard for the win.


Winner: Tegan Nox

Drew McIntyre then makes his way down to the ring.

We Hear From Drew McIntyre

McIntyre mocks Cody Rhodes by asking San Jose what they want to talk about, then addresses questions about his new attitude. He says he doesn't owe anything to anyone and the only person he answers to is his fans. He says they've been through the ups and downs with him, then addresses Rhodes and says sometimes it feels like everyone is living in the Cody-verse. He says forgiveness when it comes to Jey Uso is a weakness and not a strength.


The Miz's music hits and he makes his way down to the ring. He tells McIntyre that he hasn't forgiven him for what happened last week on "Miz TV", then says he gave him a platform. McIntyre cuts him off and tells him to leave, but Miz keeps running his mouth and vents his frustrations with McIntyre. McIntyre cuts him off again and he racks up wins and earns opportunities. He then challenges Miz to a match tonight, but Miz says they aren't dressed for a fight. He says McIntyre is painting himself as the hero before calling him self absorbed. He says he isn't The Batman of WWE, and McIntyre cuts him off once again. He says the time for fighting has come before Miz leaves the ring. He then slides back in and blindsides him from behind. McIntyre rains down right hands on his spine.


Drew McIntyre vs. The Miz

The bell rings and Miz immediately rolls out of the ring. McIntyre follows him and sends him repeatedly crashing into the barricade. The pair get back inside the ring, and Miz fires off stomps on McIntyre. McIntyre responds with a pair of belly-to-belly suplexes and a kick to his midsection, then follows it up with a forearm. He lands a codebreaker using the middle rope and exposes the top turnbuckle while the referee is checking on McIntyre. The referee sees him, opening the door for McIntyre to land a Glasgow Kiss and set up for the Claymore Kick. He then opts to grab his sword instead, but the referee takes it from him. McIntyre takes advantage and exposes the top turnbuckle. He sends Miz into it face first before landing the Future Shock DDT for the win.


Winner: Drew McIntyre

McIntyre grabs a mic after the match and says he's not the same man he was 30 seconds ago. He "apologizes" and then immediately forgives himself on behalf of everyone.

We then head backstage to Jackie Redmond and Trick Williams, the latter of whom introduces himself before his North American Championship defense against Dominik Mysterio. Dominik then approaches him alongside Rhea Ripley and JD McDonagh, and Ripley warns Williams that Dominik isn't coming alone to "NXT" tomorrow night.

Back from the break, Jackie Redmond is waiting on the ramp and introduces Cody Rhodes. Rhodes' music hits and he makes his way out. Redmond asks Rhodes about his upcoming Undisputed Tag Team Championship match at Fastlane, and Rhodes says while he didn't think he'd be tagging with Rhodes, Judgment Day has backed themselves into this match. He then informs the group that he and Jey will be on "WWE SmackDown" Friday night seeing as they'll be there too.


Imperium then makes their way down to the ring. Tommaso Ciampa follows. 

GUNTHER (w/ Imperium) (c) vs. Tommaso Ciampa for the Intercontinental Championship

The bell rings and the two lock up. Ciampa lands a chop and a pair of clotheslines, but GUNTHER catches him in a Boston Crab. Ciampa escapes, and the action spills to the outside. Ciampa sends him into the ring post face first, then gets him back inside and locks in the Sicilian Stretch. GUNTHER makes it to the bottom rope to break the hold. 


Back from the break, GUNTHER lands a chop. Ciampa fires back with a couple of his own and lands a bodyslam. GUNTHER locks in a Sleeper, but Ciampa escapes and GUNTHER lands a big boot. Ciampa manages to lock in the Sicilian Stretch, but GUNTHER escapes by sliding under the bottom rope and delivers a pair of chops. He sends him crashing onto the apron spine first.

Back from another break, GUNTHER lands an overhand chop on Ciampa in the corner. He stomps on him as Ciampa hangs from the top turnbuckle before the pair return to the outside and GUNTHER delivers an overhand chop to Ciampa. He looks for a second one, but GUNTHER's hand is sent crashing into the announce desk. Ciampa then delivers a running knee off the apron and sends GUNTHER into the ring post face first. He sends GUNTHER's hand repeatedly crashing into the announce desk.


GUNTHER fires back with a chop and dumps him back inside. He hits Willow's Bell and fires off several stomps. GUNTHER looks for The Last Symphony, but his hand gives out. This opens the door for Ciampa to deliver a reverse DDT and a running knee before looking for Fairy Tale Ending. GUNTHER escapes and plants Ciampa with a suplex. Ciampa manages to lock in the Sicilian Stretch once again, but GUNTHER gets his foot on the bottom rope to break the hold.

Ciampa fires off chops, but GUNTHER returns the favor. Ciampa lands a kick, but GUNTHER delivers a pair of powerbombs and locks in a Sleeper. Ciampa fades.

Winner (and still): GUNTHER

After the match, Giovanni Vinci and Ludwig Kaiser waste no time attacking Ciampa as GUNTHER heads to the back. Johnny Gargano's music hits and he runs down to the ring in his return to WWE! He spears Kasier and lands a superkick on Vinci as the show goes off the air.

