GUNTHER Explains Reason For His Success In WWE

As he continues his history-making reign as Intercontinental Champion, GUNTHER also seems to be scoring favor with the WWE Universe. This rising popularity has become quite evident in recent months as "The Ring General" has elicited a growing amount of cheers after his matches, so much so that "WWE SmackDown" commentator Corey Graves hailed GUNTHER as a full-fledged fan favorite by the time the 2024 Royal Rumble comes around. During a recent appearance on "The Masked Man Show," GUNTHER spoke about his approach to the character aspect of wrestling, and how he believes it has helped lead to his success in WWE.

"I think what I do on camera is not as different from who I really am. I think, in real life, a lot of my decisions are based just on logic. I don't really try to make decisions on emotions. I try to judge situations objectively and not from a side already, if that makes sense. And I think that converts over to what I do in the ring," GUNTHER said. "In general, everybody that has been successful in this business, I think most of them found something in their own personality that they could just take and make it work in the ring. Because if you're not acting something and it's just you, nobody will ever beat the authenticity that comes with it. That's just nothing you can copy."

While wrestling has historically presented a clear distinction between babyfaces and heels, GUNTHER thinks the dividing line has gradually begun to blur. Now, even the most unlikeable personas can form a connection with the audience. 

"It doesn't matter on what basis you relate to someone. As soon as you can relate somehow, you're going to have some sort of emotional connection," GUNTHER said. 

If you use quotes in this article, please credit "The Masked Man Show" and provide an h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

