NJPW Wrestle Kingdom 18 Results 1/4: Danielson/Okada Rematch

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New Japan Pro-Wrestling presents Wrestle Kingdom 18 live from the Tokyo Dome. Ten matches are scheduled for the main card, including G1 Climax 33 winner Tetsuya Naito challenging SANADA for the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship in the main event. Also, Bryan Danielson takes on Kazuchika Okada in an AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door rematch.

Announced card

* Pre-show: New Japan Ranbo to determine the four participants who will challenge for the Provisional KOPW 2024 Championship at New Year Dash!!

* Bullet Club War Dogs (Clark Connors and Drilla Moloney) (c) vs. Catch 2/2 (TJP and Francesco Akira) for the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Championship

* Zack Sabre Jr. (c) vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi for the NJPW World Television Championship


* Yota Tsuji vs. Yuya Uemura

* Shota Umino and Kaito Kiyomiya vs. House of Torture (EVIL and Ren Narita)

* Shingo Takagi (c) vs. Tama Tonga for the NEVER Openweight Championship

* Bishamon (Hirooki Goto and Yoshi-Hashi) (c) vs. Guerrillas of Destiny (Hikuleo and El Phantasmo) (c) in a Winners Takes All match for the IWGP Tag Team Championship and Strong Openweight Tag Team Championship

* Hiromu Takahashi (c) vs. El Desperado for the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship

* Will Ospreay vs. Jon Moxley vs. David Finlay for the inaugural IWGP Global Heavyweight Championship

* Kazuchika Okada vs. Bryan Danielson

* SANADA (c) vs. Tetsuya Naito for the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship

Pre-Show: New Japan Ranbo

New Japan Ranbo to determine the four participants who will challenge for the Provisional KOPW 2024 Championship at New Year Dash!!

Chase Owens and Great-O-Khan began the match. Gabe Kidd entered third and took control. Alex Coughlin entered fourth. Kidd and Coughlin worked together. Jeff Cobb entered fifth. Cobb took out Coughlin and Kidd. HENARE entered sixth. HENARE eliminated Coughlin by sending him over the top rope. Tomohiro Ishii entered seventh. Ishii and HENARE went back and forth. Mikey Nicholls entered next.


Shane Haste was the ninth entrant. Yujiro Takahashi entered next. Cobb and HENARE were eliminated during Master Wato's entrance. Yoshinobu Kanemaru entered twelth. YOH entered next. SHO was the fourteenth entrant. YOH and SHO battled on the entrance ramp. Fujita "Jr." Hayato entered next.

Taiji Ishimori was the sixteenth entrant. Several eliminations occurred. DOUKI entered next. Toru Yano was the eighteenth entrant. Yano remained outside of the ring. Takashi Iizuka entered next. Iizuka bit Yano and two other wrestlers on the head before entering the ring. Taichi was the twentieth entrant. Iizuka used an iron hand as a weapon, which resulted in multiple eliminations.

Great-O-Khan eliminated Owens from the apron. As a result, Great-O-Khan, Yano, YOH, and Ishimori advanced to the four-way match at New Year Dash!! to crown the Provisional KOPW 2024 Champion. 


Winners: Great-O-Khan, Toru Yano, YOH, and Taiji Ishimori

IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Championship Match

Bullet Club War Dogs (Clark Connors and Drilla Moloney) (c) vs. Catch 2/2 ("The Aswang" TJP and Francesco Akira) for the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Championship

Catch 2/2 won the 2023 Super Junior Tag League to earn a shot at the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Championship. The action spilled to the floor, with Moloney focusing on Akira and Connors taking out TJP. Moloney sent Akira back into the ring. The Bullet Club War Dogs kept Akira in their corner. Akira eventually fought back.


TJP returned after being chained to the guardrail. TJP attempted a cover after delivering a double stomp to Moloney in the corner. Moments later, Moloney and Connors took back control. TJP kicked out of two pinfall attempts by Moloney. 

Akira took out Connors with Spanish Fly from the top. Akira followed it up by diving to the floor. In the ring, TJP spat mist in Moloney's face and landed a DDT. TJP and Akira then captured the tag team gold after delivering a double running knee strike to Moloney.

Winners and NEW IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champions: Catch 2/2 ("The Aswang" TJP and Francesco Akira) via pinfall

NJPW World Television Championship Bout

Zack Sabre Jr. (c) vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi for the NJPW World Television Championship

Sabre and Tanahashi traded holds in the center of the ring. Sabre managed to briefly get the better of Tanahashi. The challenger eventually took Sabre down and attempted a cover. Tanahashi connected with a crossbody from the top. Sabre then got his knees up during Tanahashi's splash from the top turnbuckle. Sabre immediately went for a pin attempt.


Sabre and Tanahashi traded holds on the mat. Sabre managed to lock in various submissions in quick succession. Tanahashi eventually grabbed the bottom rope to stop Sabre in his tracks. Sabre went back to the armbar after Tanahashi attempted a pin. Sabre kicked out of another pin attempt moments later.

Sabre and Tanahashi exchanged strikes in the center of the ring. Sabre and Tanahashi then traded pins. Sabre continued to wear down Tanahashi with his various submission holds. Sabre targeted Tanahashi's neck and then delivered a kick to the spine. Tanahashi traded pinfall attempts once again. Tanahashi managed to keep Sabre's shoulders down during one of the attempts to win the gold.

Winner and NEW NJPW World Television Champion: Hiroshi Tanahashi via pinfall


- Tanahashi, who was recently named the new NJPW President, briefly spoke on the microphone after the match.

Singles Action

Yota Tsuji vs. Yuya Uemura

Tsuji and Uemura immediately locked up. Tsuji managed to lock Uemura in a headlock. Tsuji sent Uemura out of the ring after slamming him into the mat. Tsuji then leaped through the ropes. Back inside the ring, Tsuji attempted a pin after delivering an electric chair.


Uemura managed to lock in an arm breaker on the mat. Tsuji escaped and took back control. Uemura began to rally a couple of minutes later. Uemura went for a cover after landing a bulldog. Uemura slammed Tsuji into the mat. He then missed with a crossbody from the top. Tsuji took advantage. 

Tsuji landed a superkick as Uemuera leaped from the top. Tsuji then attempted a pin after driving Uemura into the canvas. Tsuji countered Uemura's submission with a pin attempt. Tsuji kicked out of Uemura's dragon suplex moments later. Uemura then picked up the win after delivering a deadbolt suplex.

Winner: Yuya Uemura via pinfall

Tag Team Match

Shota Umino and Kaito Kiyomiya vs. House of Torture (EVIL and Ren Narita)

The bout immediately broke down. Kiyomiya and Umino both locked in submissions on EVIL and Narita at the same time. The referee was wiped out. The rest of House of Torture helped EVIL and Narita take out Umino and Kiyomiya. The referee returned while EVIL was covering Kiyomayi.


Umino was tagged in. Umino took out EVIL and Narita. Umino delivered a double dropkick to two House of Torture members on the outside. Back inside the ring, Umino attempted a cover after driving Narita into the canvas. 

EVIL returned and choked Umino with a t-shirt. Kiyomiya slammed EVIL into the mat. EVIL responded by delivering Everything is EVIL to Kiyomiya. Narita locked in a headlock on Umino. Umino sent Narita down a few moments later. Narita then used a push-up bar as a weapon, which allowed him to take advantage and pin Umino.

Winners: House of Torture (EVIL and Ren Narita) via pinfall

NEVER Openweight Championship Bout

Shingo Takagi (c) vs. Tama Tonga for the NEVER Openweight Championship

Takagi and Tonga immediately traded strikes in the center of the ring. Tonga then sent Takagi down. Tonga attempted a cover after sending Takagi down again. Takagi responded by taking Tonga off his feet with a clothesline. Moments later, Takagi took Tonga out on the floor with a dive over the top rope.


Back inside the ring, Takagi attempted a cover after driving Tonga into the mat. Tonga then connected with a neckbreaker from the top turnbuckle. Takagi and Tonga exchanged strikes again in the middle of the ring. Takagi then delivered a superplex from the top.

Tonga went for a cover after landing a Tonga Twist and splash from the top. Takagi countered Tonga several times and planted him into the canvas with a powerbomb. Tonga then countered Takagi by delivering a Gun Stun. Tonga continued to go after Takagi. Takagi then used Tonga's own Gun Stun move and followed up by planting him into the mat.

Tonga fell to his knees following a big strike from Takagi. Tonga responded with a Styles Clash. Takagi got his shoulder up after Tonga landed another Gun Stun. Tonga then captured the NEVER Openweight Championship after driving Takagi into the canvas.


Winner and NEW NEVER Openweight Champion: Tama Tonga via pinfall

Winners Takes All Match

- Nic Nemeth (formerly known as Dolph Ziggler in WWE) and Ryan Nemeth came through the crowd and sat at ringside.

Bishamon (Hirooki Goto and Yoshi-Hashi) (c) vs. Guerrillas of Destiny (Hikuleo and El Phantasmo) (c) in a Winners Takes All match for the IWGP Tag Team Championship and Strong Openweight Tag Team Championship


ELP and Yoshi-Hashi began the match. ELP delivered a dropkick after Yoshi-Hashi took control. Goto entered the ring and worked with Yoshi-Hashi. Hikuleo and ELP then worked together. Yoshi-Hashi took control once more. ELP then sent Goto into Yoshi-Hashi from the top turnbuckle.

Hikuleo entered and sent Goto down. He then wiped out both Goto and Yoshi-Hashi with a double clothesline. ELP accidentally hit Hikuleo with a superkick moments later. Goto and Yoshi-Hashi attempted to finish off ELP while Hikuleo was down on the outside. Hikuleo eventually returned to break up a pinfall attempt.

Goto and Yoshi-Hashi sent Hikuleo over the top rope. ELP fought back and sent Goto into Yoshi-Hashi again in the center of the ring. ELP tagged in Hikuleo. Goto attempted a cover after driving Hikuleo into his knee. ELP landed a superkick on Goto and leaped to the floor to wipe out Yoshi-Hashi. 


Goto got his shoulder up after Hikuleo and ELP combined with a chokeslam and a splash. Moments later, Hikuleo connected with a splash from the top to win the match.

Winners and NEW Strong Openweight Tag Team Champions: The reigning IWGP Tag Team Champions, El Phantasmo and Hikuleo, via pinfall

IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship Match

Hiromu Takahashi (c) vs. El Desperado for the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship

Desperado wiped out Takahashi on the floor during the champion's entrance. Inside the ring, Desperado took control after the referee called for the match to begin. Takahashi eventually fought back and delivered a dropkick to Desperado's jaw on the mat. The action briefly spilled onto the floor, with Takahashi sending Desperado over the guardrail.


Takahashi attempted a cover after sending Desperado back into the ring. Takahashi then drove Desperado into the corner. Desperado replied with a spinebuster and pin attempt. The challenger then applied a submission to the champion's left knee. Desperado began to target Takahashi's injured leg.

Takahashi began to build some momentum. Desperado stopped Takahashi in his tracks by applying his leg lock submission once again. Takahashi managed to counter. The champion drove Desperado into the canvas and attempted a cover. Takahashi struggled to lift Desperado due to his injured knee. Desperado ended up on the top turnbuckle. Desperado drove Takahashi down from the top.

Desperado delivered several elbow strikes to Takahashi in the middle of the ring. The champion responded with two superkicks and a lariat. Takahashi attempted to lift Desperado again. The challenger countered and delivered a combination of moves. Moments later, Desperado planted Takahashi into the mat headfirst. He then drove Takahashi into the canvas again to win the title.


Winner and NEW IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion: El Desperado via pinfall

Three-Way Match For The Inaugural IWGP Global Heavyweight Championship

Will Ospreay vs. Jon Moxley vs. David Finlay for the inaugural IWGP Global Heavyweight Championship

Moxley and Ospreay went after Finlay as the referee called for the bell. Moxley and Ospreay delivered chops to Finlay in the corner of the ring. Finlay eventually exited the ring. However, Ospreay followed him and connected with a big boot. Ospreay and Moxley continued to punish Finlay on the floor. 


Moxley delivered a suplex to Finlay in front of the commentary tables. Moxley pulled out a table from underneath the ring. Moxley and Ospreay put Finlay through the table. Moxley and Ospreay collided back inside the ring.

Both wrestlers went back and forth. Moxley locked Ospreay in an armbar after "The Aerial Assassin" landed a Spanish Fly in the center of the ring. Both men fought on the apron after Ospreay escaped. Finlay returned and sent Moxley into the ring post. Finlay and Ospreay battled on the apron. Finlay used his shillelagh while performing a neckbreaker.

Finlay took control of the match. Finlay was eventually stopped in his tracks. Ospreay then performed a moonsault from the top turnbuckle to the floor. Back inside the ring, Moxley took control. Moxley delivered a piledriver to Finlay onto Ospreay.


Moxley headed to the floor and sent several steel chairs into the ring. Moxley set up two chairs in the center of the ring. Finlay drove Moxley into the chairs. Finlay then slammed Ospreay down onto Moxley and attempted a cover. Finlay stopped Ospreay in his tracks as he began to build some momentum. Finlay attempted to steal the victory after Moxley and Ospreay landed one of their finishers on each other.

Moxley and Ospreay traded strikes. Finlay got himself involved. Moxley and Ospreay both took turns hitting Finlay. Alex Coughlin and Gabe Kidd then interfered in the match. A table was set up on the floor. Moxley was busted open. Another table was set up. Moxley placed Coughlin and Kidd on the tables. Ospreay leaped from the top turnbuckle and wiped them out. Coughlin got stuck in the middle of the table.

Moxley delivered a couple of Death Riders to Finlay in the middle of the ring. Ospreay landed a Hidden Blade and Stormbreaker on Moxley. Finlay then hit Into Oblivion on Ospreay and attempted a cover. Finlay followed up and won the title by driving Ospreay into his knee with a variation of his Into Oblivion finisher.

Winner and NEW IWGP Global Heavyweight Champion: David Finlay via pinfall


- The new champion taunted Nic Nemeth after the match. Finlay and Nemeth ended up brawling at ringside.

Okada vs. Danielson II

Kazuchika Okada vs. Bryan Danielson

Danielson attempted to get the better of Okada in the opening stages of the match. Okada eventually took control and attempted a cover. Okada sent Danielson out of the ring with a dropkick. On the floor, Danielson caught Okada with a knee. Danielson then smashed the guardrail against Okada's right arm.


Danielson took control as the action returned to the ring. Danielson continued to target Okada's right arm. The "American Dragon" made it clear that he wanted to break Okada's arm. Danielson stretched Okada's right arm with a submission hold in the middle of the ring. Okada eventually fought back and landed an Air Raid Crash.

Okada headed to the top turnbuckle. Danielson had it scouted and delivered several uppercuts. Danielson joined Okada and launched "The Rainmaker" from the top. Okada then managed to get his foot on the bottom rope after Danielson applied the LeBell Lock. 

After delivering a Tombstone on the apron, Okada began to target Danielson's injured eye. Okada then attempted an elbow from the top. Danielson replied with a kick to the side of the skull. Danielson followed up by delivering several strikes to Okada's right arm. Okada got his shoulder up moments later after Danielson connected with a big knee. Danielson immediately went back to the LeBell Lock. He then stretched Okada's arms with his legs in the center of the ring. 


Okada stunned Danielson after escaping by connecting with a Rainmaker. Okada and Danielson then went back and forth, with Danielson gaining the advantage after landing a big knee. After going back and forth again, Okada landed a second Rainmaker and won the match.

Winner: Kazuchika Okada via pinfall

- Okada and Danielson bowed to each other in the middle of the ring after the match.

Main Event

SANADA (c) vs. Tetsuya Naito for the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship

Naito earned the right to challenge for the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship after winning the G1 Climax 33. SANADA and Naito locked up as the main event got underway. Both wrestlers then traded submission holds on the mat. 


The pace of the match briefly picked up, with SANADA sending Naito out of the ring. SANADA and Naito then traded blows in the center of the ring. Naito managed to take control after sending SANADA down with a hip toss. SANADA eventually fought back and took Naito down with a backdrop suplex.

SANADA sent Naito out of the ring with a dropkick and followed up by leaping to the floor. Back inside the ring, SANADA connected with a missile dropkick and a fireman's carry cutter. He then locked Naito in a submission on the canvas. SANADA attempted a moonsault, but Naito moved out of the way. Naito then took SANADA down with a dropkick on the apron.

On the floor, Naito placed SANADA on top of the guardrail and delivered a neckbreaker. Back inside the ring, Naito targeted SANADA's neck with his knee. Naito then landed a Frankensteiner from the top turnbuckle. SANADA managed to respond moments later.


SANADA began to build momentum and delivered a combination of moves. However, Naito got his knees up when the champion attempted a moonsault from the top. Naito followed up by delivering repeated strikes to the back of SANADA's neck. SANADA managed to halt Naito's momentum by landing a TKO. The champion then connected with two moonsaults and attempted a pin.

Naito landed a Destino moments later and went for a cover after almost landing a second one. SANADA responded by delivering his Deadfall finisher. Both wrestlers went back and forth. Naito then spiked the champion with a tornado DDT. SANADA responded, but Naito managed to land another DDT. After delivering a brainbuster, Naito connected with another Destino to win the belt.

Winner and NEW IWGP World Heavyweight Champion: Tetsuya Naito via pinfall

- After the match, EVIL and Dick Togo attacked Naito. SANADA returned to the ring and took out EVIL, while Naito took Togo off his feet. Naito then addressed the fans on the microphone.

- That's all for Wrestle Kingdom 18!

