AEW Rampage Results 1/26 - Four-Way Number One Contenders Match, Anna Jay Vs. Ruby Soho

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results for "AEW Rampage" on January 26, 2024, coming to you from the Enmarket Arena in Savannah, Georgia!

Orange Cassidy's next challenger for the AEW International Championship will be determined tonight, as Komander collides with The Butcher, Kip Sabian, and El Hijo del Vikingo in a Freshly Squeezed Number One Contenders Four-Way Match. The winner will receive their opportunity during tomorrow night's edition of "AEW Collision".


The romance between Angelo Parker and Ruby Soho hit a snag a couple of weeks ago when the latter's Outcast teammate Saraya played a video of "Cool Hand Ang" and Harley Cameron getting cozy with one another. In light of such, Soho confronted Parker's former stablemate Anna Jay, telling her she knew what she did and challenging her to meet her in the ring. Tonight, such will take place as the two go one-on-one.

Konosuke Takeshita has been on a winning streak in singles competition on AEW programming since the June 7, 2023 episode of "AEW Dynamite", defeating the likes of Kenny Omega, Darby Allin, and Bandido amongst others. Tonight, he looks to continue racking up more wins as he collides with veteran Christopher Daniels.


Additionally, Jon Moxley looks to pick up a win over Lee Moriarty after defeating the other half of Shane Taylor Promotions, Shane Taylor, this past Saturday on "Collision".

We are live! Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and "Daddy Magic" Matt Menard greet audiences at home as Jon Moxley makes his way down to the ring. Shane Taylor Promotions are already waiting at ringside.

Jon Moxley vs. Lee Moriarty (w/ Shane Taylor)

The bell rings and the two lock up. Moxley delivers a chop to Moriarty, but Moriarty responds with a shoulder tackle. Moxley catches Moriarty with a back elbow, then gets in Shane Taylor's face on the outside. Moxley gets back in the ring and lands a series of chops, but Moriarty locks in the Border City Stretch. Moxley quickly makes his way over to the bottom rope to break the hold, and the pair exchange strikes with one another. Moxley fires off right hands on Moriarty in the corner, then bites his ear. Moriarty delivers a dropkick from the ropes and fires off right hands on Moxley in the corner. Moriarty then dumps Moxley out of the ring.


Back from the break, Moriarty sends Moxley's arm bouncing off the apron. Moriarty looks to fly, but Moxley catches him with a boot to his midsection. Moriarty executes a belly-to-belly suplex and continues wearing Moxley's arm down with a pair of submission holds, then lands a German suplex. Moriarty cinches in a Border City Stretch, but Moxley manages to escape and fires off hammer and anvil elbows. Moriarty snaps Moxley's fingers, then delivers a boot to his jaw in the corner and follows it up with a splash. He looks to fly, but Moxley catches him with a right hand and fires off stomps on him. He then connects with a piledriver and fires off more hammer and anvil elbows before switching to right hands. He locks in a sleeper, and the referee calls for the bell.


Winner: Jon Moxley

After the bell, Moxley looks to help up Moriarty. Taylor clocks him and Moriarty fires off stomps on him.

We then head backstage to Renee Paquette, Angelo Parker, and Anna Jay. Parker tells Jay that she always has his support, but he can't be out at ringside with her tonight and he thinks he's started piecing everything together. He asks Jay if she had anything to do with Harley Cameron kissing him, and Jay slaps him. She says she can't believe he asked her that and says he was defending him against Ruby Soho, but she's no longer doing that. She says she's tired of having everyone's back while no one has hers, and says she's done.

Back from the break, The Don Callis Family make their way down to the ring. Christopher Daniels is already waiting inside. 

Konosuke Takeshita (w/ The Don Callis Family) vs. Christopher Daniels

The bell rings and Daniels goes right after Takeshita. He fires off right hands and chops on him, then delivers a kick to his face. Takeshita responds with a few right hands and the Takeshita Line, then delivers a right hand to him in the corner and follows it up with a senton off the top. He sits Daniels on the top rope, but Daniels fires off right hands on Takeshita's spine. He sends him crashing off the ropes and delivers a swinging flatliner. Daniels executes a back heel trip and sets up for Angel's Wings, but Takeshita escapes and delivers a belly-to-back piledriver. He follows it up with a German suplex and a running knee for the win.


Winner: Konosuke Takeshita

After the match, Don Callis grabs a mic and says The Don Callis Family takes everything that can be taken. He says Chris Jericho took 33 years from him that he can never get back, and they've started to take from him including Kenny Omega and Sammy Guevara. He says Jericho kept coming back, but it's time to end things. He challenges Jericho to a match on Takeshita's behalf and says when all is said and done, nothing will be left.

Kyle Fletcher cuts Callis off and says both Takeshita and Hobbs have both had their shot at Jericho. He says he deserves the next match against him and amends his statement. He challenges Jericho to a match against Takeshita next week and one against Fletcher the week after. 


The Outcasts then make their way down to the ring. Anna Jay follows. 

Anna Jay vs. Ruby Soho (w/ The Outcasts)

Soho blindsides Jay and tosses her out of the ring. She delivers an overhand chop and sends her head bouncing off the ring steps, then sends her crashing into the barricade shoulder first and tosses her into the ring.


The bell sounds and Jay delivers a boot to level Soho. Jay delivers a Pendulum Kick through the ropes and sends her bouncing off the middle rope spine first. Cameron and Saraya then interfere while the referee isn't distracted.

Back from the break, Jay delivers a DDT to Soho. She looks to lock in the Queenslayer, but Cameron prevents her from doing so on the outside. Jay levels Cameron and Saraya holds her in place as Cameron looks to land a chop. The referee catches them and ejects them from ringside, opening the door for Soho to connect with Destination Unknown and go for a pin. Jay kicks out and looks for No Future, but Jay avoids it and delivers a Blockbuster. She screams at Soho that she wasn't responsible for what happened between Parker and Cameron, then locks in the Queenslayer for the win.


Winner: Anna Jay

El Hijo del Vikingo and Alex Abrahantes then make their way down to the ring. Kip Sabian, The Butcher, The Blade, and Komander follow. 

Komander vs. The Butcher vs. Kip Sabian vs. El Hijo del Vikingo in a Freshly Squeezed Number One Contenders Four-Way Match for the International Championship

The bell rings and Butcher goes after Vikingo while Komander brawls with Sabian. Sabian and Butcher send Komander and Vikingo crashing into the barricade respectively, then slide back into the ring. Sabian rolls up Butcher, but Butcher kicks out and Sabian low bridges him over the top rope and out of the ring. Viking pulls him to the outside and delivers a tope suicida to level Butcher on the other side as Komander does the same to Sabian.


Komander and Vikingo then begin to brawl in the center of the ring, and Komander delivers a hurricanrana to Vikingo. They shake hands, but Butcher levels both of them with a double clothesline. He locks in a Sharpshooter on Komander, but Vikingo delivers a superkick to Butcher to break the hold. Sabian levels Vikingo and sends him crashing into Butcher in the corner.

Back from the break, Sabian and Butcher send Komander crashing into the corner. Butcher delivers a clothesline and Sabian follows it up with a running senton before Butcher delivers a crossbody from the apron and Sabian connects with a gutbuster. Butcher delivers a backbreaker to Sabian and goes for a pin, but Vikingo breaks the fall and delivers a dropkick off the top to Butcher. Komander levels Sabian as Sabian catches Vikingo with a DDT, then delivers a standing Spanish Fly to Sabian and goes for a pin. Sabian kicks out and Komander ascends to the top.


Butcher gets Vikingo in an Electric Chair position, and Viking gets Komander up into a vertical suplex position. Sabian positions himself so Butcher trips over him, and everyone comes crashing down. Komander then goes flying off Abrahantes' spine and levels Sabian with a Canadian Destroyer. Vikingo flies off the top to level both men, then dumps Komander back into the ring. He ascends to the top and looks for a moonsault, but Komander gets his boots up. Butcher catches him with a sit-out powerbomb, and Vikingo delivers a boot to Butcher's midsection. He follows it up with a pair of running knees and a kick to Komander's head, but Komander catches him with a reverse hurricanrana. Sabian delivers a German suplex to Komander and looks to send him crashing into the mat, but Komander counters into a hurricanra for the win.

Winner (and new Number One Contender): Komander

