ECW Legend The Sandman Recalls His First Job After Getting Out Of Jail

ECW fans will likely recall just how dangerous The Sandman was at his prime, and he's still seen as an imposing figure even today. During the first episode of his new podcast "Enter Sandman," he revealed that he had a brief prison stint in the '80s, which resulted in some odd jobs, like being a Chippendale dancer.


According to Sandman, he went to jail for what was originally meant to be a small sentence. "I get out of jail in 1984, I'm out of a job. I was in jail from January 23 to July 7 and I was in the hole the whole time because my first day in there, I punched a guard in the face and then they threw me in the hole."

Following his release, Sandman blew some steam off at a local nightclub in Philadelphia, when a woman in management pulled him off the dancefloor. 

"This good-looking blonde grabs me and she starts walking me away and I'm like, 'Alright, I'm in.' We get up in her office, she goes behind the table and sits there in a seat and says, 'Take your shirt off.' I'm like, I guess she wants to be in control," said the ECW legend.


Sandman revealed that the woman offered him a position at Chippendales and that he even met the founder of the dance troupe, Nick De Noia. "She takes me down the hall, walks me into Nick De Noia's office, the guy that started the Chippendale, looks right at me and goes, 'He's starting tomorrow night, isn't he?' And she goes, 'Yes, he is, sir.' Next thing you know, I'm a Chippendale."

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "Enter Sandman" and provide a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

