Austin Theory Discusses Injury Scare During WWE SmackDown Match With Carmelo Hayes

Austin Theory and Carmelo Hayes had a scary mishap on a recent episode of "WWE SmackDown," when a routine Spanish Fly from Theory led to both men being spiked on their heads. In a new interview with "The West Sport," Theory said that the incident was, unfortunately, the risk that both men signed up for when becoming wrestlers.


"When it comes to inside that ring and what we do, the risk level is extremely high," Theory said, noting that there's only so much practice one can do. "It's human bodies doing super human-like things, these moves."

Theory explained how a minor slip in either time or positioning led to Hayes's foot catching under the bottom rope, halting both men's rotation and sending them crashing into the mat.

"Based off the video, it looks insane. To be honest, after that I could've been paralyzed," Theory said, worrying his career could've been tragically cut short. "Luckily as we came down, for some reason I let go to catch myself and turned my head to the left." Theory's little shift allowed both men to land hard but safely. Theory said he was horrified to see the video playback and watch himself land on his head.


"Very grateful [I'm ok] and that move is retired for Austin Theory," the former WWE United States Champion said. Theory goes on to mention that neither he nor Hayes were concussed by the rough landing. "[We] walked away grateful and very shocked," with the WWE Superstar crediting his various neck workouts for potentially saving his life.

If you use any quotes from this podcast, please credit "The West Sport" with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for providing the transcription.

