Eric Bischoff Speculates On Where WWE Raw Will Air Between USA And Netflix

"WWE Raw" is set to go through massive changes next year after WWE's historical deal with Netflix, which will bring the show and the promotion's library to the streaming platform. In a recent episode of "Strictly Business," Eric Bischoff gave his take on how WWE will transition "Raw" from the USA Network to Netflix. Bischoff noted that there will be a few months between the transition and interestingly suggested that "Raw" could simply go dark for the time period. 


"Maybe it goes dark? Maybe they take advantage of that creative time to build anticipation, to promote it heavily, to create awareness, and to get everybody ready for the big move," said Bischoff.

He noted that although it might not be the best move financially, WWE could use the time to treat the show's return like WrestleMania and build a lot of anticipation. 

"Treat it like it's WrestleMania and build up to it so that when it does premiere on Netflix, there's a built-in anticipation for it," the Hall of Famer added.

Interestingly, he agreed that "Raw" could be streamed over X for the few months in between its premiere on Netflix and its departure from the USA Network, and pointed to the success others have had on the social media site. "I'm a big supporter of Elon Musk, I think that the platform has grown, it's becoming better, I think it's the future in many aspects of social media, and I think that would be a good solution. I'm not sure that it would be a better solution than going dark and building anticipation."


Bischoff had previously speculated that the red brand could potentially also stream on Peacock in that period.

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "Strictly Business" and provide a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

