AEW Rampage Results 5/24 - Huge Tag Team Match, PAC Squares Off With Rocky Romero & More

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results for "AEW Rampage" on May 24, 2024, coming to you live from the Mechanics Bank Arena in Bakersfield, California at a special start time of 6 PM ET!

Two nights before she defends the TBS Championship against Mercedes Mone at AEW Double or Nothing, Willow Nightingale looks to gain some momentum heading into the bout by picking up a win tonight as she joins forces with her ally Kris Statlander to take on Anna Jay and Alex Windsor. Although this will be Windsor's first time ever competing in an AEW ring, she has appeared in promotions across the world including New Japan Pro-Wrestling, Tokyo Joshi Pro-Wrestling, Revolution Pro Wrestling, PROGRESS Wrestling, and Pro-Wrestling: Eve.


Following his win over Johnny TV on the May 11 edition of "Rampage", PAC looks to emerge victorious once again tonight as he squares off with Rocky Romero. PAC will be joining forces with his Death Triangle teammates Penta El Zero Miedo and Rey Fenix to challenge The Bang Bang Gang for the Unified World Trios Championship in Las Vegas.

Samoa Joe hasn't competed in a match since he defeated Isiah Kassidy on the May 1 episode of "AEW Dynamite". Tonight, he will be returning to action as he goes head-to-head against an opponent who has yet to be named.

Speaking of Kassidy, he will also be in action tonight as he goes one-on-one with RUSH. Both men will surely have something to prove tonight as RUSH will be looking to pick up another win after he defeated Cody Chhun last Saturday on "Rampage" and Kassidy will be looking to redeem himself with his loss against Orange Cassidy that same night on "AEW Collision".


We are live! Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Chris Jericho, and Big Bill greet audiences at home as PAC makes his way down to the ring. Rocky Romero follows.

PAC vs. Rocky Romero

The bell rings and the two lock up. PAC cinches in a Side Headlock on Romero, then follows it up with a shoulder tackle. Romero catches PAC with a hurricanrana, then follows it up with a second one and hits a chop. PAC lands a series of chops of his own, then whips Romero into the corner. Romero sends PAC onto the apron, but PAC low bridges him out of the ring and delivers a springboard moonsault.


Back from the break, PAC lands a forearm on Romero. He delivers a boot to Romero's midsection, but Romero responds with a kick to his head and a Sliced Bread. He goes for a pin, but PAC kicks out. Romero connects with a chop on PAC's chest, then delivers a boot to his midsection and executes a backslide. PAC kicks out.

Romero looks to land a second Sliced Bread, but PAC avoids it. PAC then lands a boot on Romero in the corner, then whips him into the opposite corner and hits a German suplex. He locks in The Brutalizer, and Romero taps out.

Winner: PAC

After the match, Penta El Zero Miedo, Rey Fenix, and Alex Abrahantes join PAC on the ramp. PAC then warns The Bang Bang Gang that he and the rest of Death Triangle are willing to jump through whatever hoops they want them too. 


Chris Jericho then grabs a mic and stands up from the commentary desk. He addresses his FTW Championship FTW Rules Three-Way match against HOOK and Katsuyori Shibata, and says he's ready for it because he "fights adversity at all times."

Shibata's music hits and he runs down to the ring. He begins brawling with Big Bill on the ramp, and HOOK surprises Jericho. He locks in the Redrum on him in the crowd, and security runs out to separate the two men.

Back from the break, Samoa Joe makes his way down to the ring. Dom Kubrick is already waiting inside, and "Daddy Magic" Matt Menard joins the commentary desk.

Samoa Joe vs. Dom Kubrick

The bell rings and Kubrick lands a right hand on Joe. He follows it up with a dropkick, but Joe stays standing on his feet. Joe lands a back elbow and a series of right hands, then follows it up with an enzuigiri and the Muscle Buster for the win.


Winner: Samoa Joe

We then head backstage to Renee Paquette chatting with Deonna Purrazzo about Thunder Rosa. Purrazzo says if Rosa wants her to name a time and place to face her, they'll do it when the odds are even. She then challenges Rosa to face her on the Buy In Show.

Back at ringside, Rush makes his way down to the ring. Isiah Kassidy follows.

Rush vs. Isiah Kassidy

The bell rings and Rush delivers a pair of Bull's Horns to Kassidy in the corner. He goes for a pin, but stops pinning him halfway through the referee's count. He then sends Kassidy crashing into several barricades on the outside and continues wearing him down, then tosses a chair inside the ring. As the referee disposes of the chair, Rush grabs a wire from under the ring and hits Kassidy with it. He then uses it to choke Kassidy and gets him back inside the ring, and stomps on him in the corner. Rush then takes a minute to pose.


Back from the break, Kassidy deliversa cutter to Rush that sends his face bouncing off the top rope. He delivers a tope suicida to Rush on the outside, then gets him back inside the ring. Kassidy then ascends to the top and delivers a Swanton Bomb before he goes for a pin. Rush kicks out and lands a couple of chops on Kassidy on the ramp, but Kassidy responds with one of his own. The two then exchange chops before Kassidy fires off forearms on Rush. Rush connects with Bull's Horns for the win.

Winner: Rush

We then head backstage to Arkady Aura chatting with Brian Cage and The Gates of Agony. Cage sends a message to "Daddy Ass" Billy Gunn and The Acclaimed. 

Willow Nightingale, Kris Statlander, and Stokely Hathaway then make their way down to the ring. Anna Jay and Alex Windsor follow.


Willow Nightingale and Kris Statlander (w/ Stokely Hathaway) vs. Anna Jay and Alex Windsor

Statlander and Jay begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. Jay sends Statlander's head crashing into the top turnbuckle, but Statlander dumps her across the ring. Windsor tags in and Statlander delivers an arm drag. Nightingale tags in, and Statlander delivers a bodyslam to Windsor. Nightingale follows it up with a low crossbody and a pair of suplexes, then looks to land a third one. Windsor escapes, but Nightingale levels her with a clothesline. Windsor lands a forearm on Nightingale, but Nightingale takes her down with a shoulder pounce.


Jay tags in, and Nightingale levels her with a bodyslam. Statlander tags in and hits a standing moonsault, then whips Jay into the corner and lands a running uppercut. Jay sends Statlander onto the apron, then clocks Windsor. Jay then delivers a twisting neckbreaker to her through the middle rope that sends her crashing to the outside, and Windsor delivers a kick to her off the apron. Jay sends Statlander crashing into the ring steps. She delivers a chop to Statlander, then dumps her back in the ring.

Back from the break, Statlander trips Windson and delivers a German suplex. Jay and Nightingale tags in, and Nightingale levels Jay with a series of suplexes. She follows it up with a boot and a spinebuster before Jay lands a jawbreaker. Nightingale ascends to the middle rope and delivers a missile dropkick, then sets up for a cannonball. Jay moves out of the way and tags in Windsor. Windsor lands a kick on Nightingale. Nightingale then connects with a clothesline and the Doctor Bomb on Windsor for the win.


Winners: Willow Nightingale and Kris Statlander

After the match, Mercedes Mone marches down to the ring. She fires off right hands on Nightingale, but Statlander looks to level her with Friday Night Fever. Nightingale intervenes, but Mone fires off right hands on her. Nightingale then fires off right hands on her, and officials run down to separate the two women. They pull them apart, but Mone breaks free and goes after Nightingale. Nightingale manages to slide out of the ring, and Mone stands tall holding up the TBS Championship in the ring as the show off the air. 

