AEW Collision Results 5/25/24: Go Home Show Before Double Or Nothing

Welcome to AEW Collision on 5/25/24 live from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas. It's also the site for tomorrow night's "Double or Nothing".

The week-long celebration of "Double or Nothing" continues with House of Black (Buddy Matthews and Brody King) teaming up with Gates of Agony (Kaun and Toa Liona) to take on The Acclaimed and The Infantry. This will be The Infantry's return to AEW programming since the tag team tournament. Mariah May will take on Leyla Hirsch. Kyle O'Reilly will be in action.


After reuniting as the Death Triangle to help PAC even the score, the Lucha Bros. will face The Gunns. On "Rampage", Death Triangle challenged the Bang Bang Gang for the Unified World Trios Championships on Sunday.

During the main event of "Dynamite", Bryan Danielson faced Satnam Singh. Following the match, Jeff Jarrett and Jay Lethal attacked Danielson after being paid by The Elite. Ahead of Anarchy in the Arena, ¾ of Team AEW (Danielson and FTR) will look to get revenge against Planet Jarrett.

Last week, Lance Archer and The Righteous helped rough up Bryan Danielson and FTR. They'll take on friends of the three in Claudio Castagnoli, Daniel Garcia, and a mystery opponent. Tony Khan posted on social media that he flew someone in to be the mystery opponent.


Jon Moxley

Tony Schiavone and Nigel McGuinness greet us with commentary as Jon Moxley made his way through the crowd. As soon as he got in the ring, Don Callis's music hit. Callis reminded everyone that on his second night in the company, he cost Mox the AEW World Championship.


Callis continued to talk, although fans chanted for him to STFU. He tried to convince Mox that they are a lot alike. He then offered Mox a spot in the Don Callis Family. Mox offered to give him another scar before he was attacked from behind by Konosuke Takeshita. Takeshita used a chair to smash Mox's wrist. They're scheduled to have a Title Eliminator match tomorrow night. BCC came out to chase off Takeshita and Callis. Doc Sampson was checking Mox's wrist afterwards.

Claudio Castagnoli, Daniel Garcia, and Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Lance Archer and The Righteous

Castagnoli stayed in the ring while Daniel Garcia joined him. Before their mystery opponent could come out, Archer and The Righteous came down to the ring. Hiroshi Tanahashi's music hit and the crowd went wild and chanted "holy sh*t!"


Castagnoli and Dutch started the match by bouncing off the ropes into each other. Dutch picked up Castangoli, but to no avail. Castagnoli powerslammed him. Vincent and Garcia tag in and exchange blows. Tana and Garcia did stereo neckbreakers. Garcia danced while Tana played his infamous air guitar. Castagnoli tried to swing Dutch, but was interrupted by his partners.

After the break, Garcia was wrecking his opponents. He tried to get to his own corner, but was stopped by Dutch and then Archer. Once he made it to the corner, Tanahashi got the hot tag and went straight for Archer. They exchanged crossbodies. Garcia did a guillotine choke on Archer and sent him over the rope. Castagnoli put Dutch in the Giant Swing. After a few spins, Archer broke it up. Archer paid with a delayed vertical suplex. Tanahashi went for the High Fly Flow, but Archer hit him with a knee. The Righteous double teamed The Ace.


On the outside, Garcia fought Archer while Castagnoli fought Dutch. Tanahashi and Archer exchanged blows. Tanahashi took him down with a forearm shot. NJPW's president finally hit the High Fly Flow on Vincent for the win.

Winner: Hiroshi Tanahashi, Claudio Castagnoli,and Daniel Garcia

Lucha Bros. vs. The Gunns

The Lucha Bros. were joined by Alex Aberhantes and Lucha babies. Once The Gunns got in the ring, everyone started shoving each other. Penta and Austin started the match. Penta put the Cero Miedo symbol in his face and Austin responded with a finger gun to the face. Penta started to do it again, but Austin knocked him down.


All four men got in the ring. The Lucha Bros went for dives, but the Gunns went under the ring, so they baseball slid out. They fought outside of the ring. Lucha Bros. went for a second Superkick, but the Gunns ducked and caused them to kick one another. Back in the ring, the brawling continued.

After the break, Colten had Penta on his shoulders. Penta elbowed his way out and hit a Superkick. Austin and Fenix battle on the apron. Penta tried to tag in Fenix, but Colten pulled Penta away. Fenix tagged in, but the Gunns tried to double team him. Fenix hit the tejeras. Lucha Bros on the double team, but soon the Gunns were doing the same.

Austin threw Penta out of the ring and they set up for 3:10 to Yuma, but Penta broke it up. They superkicked Colten. Penta and Fenix hit the Fear Factor. Fenix did a tope suicida on Colten. Penta pinned Austin for the win. PAC celebrated with them in the ring. As the Lucha babies got in the ring, Jay White came out to the ramp with his belts and Sting's bat.


Winner: Lucha Bros.

Kyle O'Reilly vs. KM

KM was already in the ring. When the bell ring, O'Reilly ran straight at him, but KM knocked him down. O'Reilly kicked KM several times in the back of the legs. KM dropkicked him and then threw O'Reilly into the turnbuckle. O'Reilly hit him with a big boot twice in the corner. O'Reilly put him in a guillotine with a body scissors. KM went down and KOR kicked him several times. KM choked KOR, but KOR got out. He kicked KM, flipped him, and put him in the armbar. KM tapped.


Winner: Kyle O'Reilly

House of Black vs. Gates of Agony vs. The Acclaimed vs. The Infantry

We hear from the TBS Champion

Willow Nightingale came to the ring to address Mercedes Moné putting her hands on the TBS Championship. Nightingale said she respects her, but will wreck her at Double or Nothing. Nightingale reflects about being nearly paralyzed when she broke her neck five years ago. Nightingale declares that Moné can't beat her at any percent.


House of Black and Gates of Agony arrived to the ring first. The Infantry made their way first, followed by The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn. Carlie Bravo and Max Caster started the match. Bravo went for the pin right away. Matthews and Kaun tag in and lock up. Matthews took him down with a side headlock. Liona and King tag in. Both men clear off the apron. They exchanged blows and then take down their opponents. Matthews and King take out The Infantry. King headbutted Liona, but it staggered him. Liona uppercutted Matthews off the apron. Matthews held the rope and Liona fell through it. King did a tope suicida on The Acclaimed and The Infantry.

Following the break, King chopped Caster and tagged in Matthews. Matthews put Caster in a side headlock. Caster hits a jaw breaker to get out. Matthew knocked down Bowens. The Infantry superkicked Matthews simultaneously. The Infantry and Caster team up against King and Liona. Kaun did a crossbody to take out The Infantry. Liona slammed King in the corner. Matthews with meteora on Liona. Kaun hit a shotgun dropkick on Matthews. Caster slammed Liona. The Infantry tried to pick up Liona, but King broke it up.


King lifted Liona off his feet, but he got out. Liona with a big Samoan drop on King. Caster broke up the pin. Liona put him over the top rope and Bravo tagged himself in. Bravo pulled the rope down to make Liona fall out. The Infantry did stereo crossbodies on The Acclaimed and Gates of Agony. The Infantry tried to pick up King, but he got out of it. House of Black take out The Infantry.

Liona walked up the ramp. King cannonballed Bravo while Matthews hit him with a dropkick from the apron. They pulled him out and Matthews pinned him.

Winner: House of Black

Mariah May vs. Leyla Hirsch

May took Hirsch to the corner. They exchanged shoves. May pushed her boobs up and shoved Hirsch's face into them. May dropped Hirsch and then dropkicked her.

During the break, Hirsch slammed May into the steps. It hurt her ribs.


Hirsch kicked May in the chest in the corner. Hirsch went up top and went for a moonsault, but May rolled out of the way. May with two rolling lariats and a backdrop driver. May went up top and hit a shotgun dropkick for two. May picked Hirsch up and threw her into the turnbuckle before placing her on the turnbuckle for a hurricanrana. Hirsch rolled up May and hit a German suplex. May headbutted Hirsch and then pinned her.

Winner: Mariah May

Bryan Danielson and FTR vs. Planet Jarrett

Bryan Danielson made his way to the ring, followed by FTR. Planet Jarrett accompanied by Sonjay Dutt and Karen Jarrett. Dutt had his envelope full of blood money.

Danielson started off against Jarrett. Jarrett with three armbars right away. Lethal tagged in. Danielson took Lethal down and put him in a side headlock. Harwood tagged in and chopped Lethal in the corner. Harwood tagged in Wheeler and they double teamed Lethal. Wheeler had Lethal in the corner and was chopping him. Jarrett came up behind Wheeler, but Wheeler leapt off the ropes onto Double J. Wheeler went back to punching Lethal in the corner. Singh walked over and put his hands on Wheeler's neck. Lethal walked forward and smashed Wheeler into the ropes. Singh pulled Wheeler out of the ring and chopped his soul from his body while Dutt laughed in his face.


After the break, Jarrett and Wheeler are down in the ring. Lethal grabbed Wheeler by the ankle to try to stop him from tagging anyone. Wheeler tagged in Harwood. Harwood took down both Lethal and Jarrett. Lethal swung Harwood into the ropes, which allowed Singh to hit him in the back. Lethal hit a Lethal Combination.

Lethal tagged in Singh who choked slammed Harwood repeatedly from the knees. Jarrett and Lethal sat in chairs on the outside to enjoy The Satnam Show. Singh had his hand over Harwood's entire face, so Wheeler jumped from the turnbuckle to hit him with an axe handle Singh's back. Singh was unfazed and dumped over the top rope. Singh went to slam Harwood in the corner, but Harwood moved and Singh hit the turnbuckles. Jarrett with a blind tag.


Danielson hit Jarrett repeatedly, while blocking every blow from Jarrett. In the corner, Danielson kicked and punched Jarrett repeatedly. Danielson did a backflip from the top over Jarrett's head and then bounced off the rope to take Jarrett down. Danielson with two running dropkicks. Jarrett ran after Danielson, but Danielson tried to put him in an armbar, but Lethal broke it up. Wheeler threw Lethal over the top rope. Danielson and Wheeler went over the top rope. Singh ran towards Harwood, but he moved, sending Singh into the steps.

Singh rolled in, but is circled by his opponents, who kick him repeatedly. Danielson kicked Singh in the back of the head and FTR followed with a BTE trigger. Danielson hit a Busaiku knee, sending him into the ropes. Lethal hit the Lethal Injection on FTR. Danielson with a lariat. Danielson blocked The Stroke from Jarrett. Danielson was sent into the turnbuckle. Jarrett went for the guitar, but Aubrey Edwards picked it up. Karen yelled at her from the apron. Jarrett was given a chair and was going for Danielson, but hit Singh instead, who went over the rope. Danielson hit Jarrett with a Busaiku Knee. FTR hit the Shatter Machine on Lethal. Danielson pinned Jarrett for the win.


Winner: Danielson and FTR

