Swerve Strickland Still AEW World Champion, Beats Christian Cage At Double Or Nothing

Swerve Strickland is still the AEW World Champion after defeating Christian Cage and dealing with plenty of interference from Cage's Patriarchy faction during their Double or Nothing match. Nick Wayne started off the interference, taking a cheap shot to Strickland from the outside before Cage beat him down in the corner. 


Strickland hit a scoop powerslam on Cage, earning an extremely close near-fall. The champion tried to tie up Cage by pulling his turtleneck over his head and hit multiple neck breakers. After getting another near-fall on Cage, Mother Wayne grabbed the AEW World Championship belt, but was intercepted by Prince Nana. The referee caught Nana with the belt and ejected him from ringside.

The Patriarchy wasn't long for ringside either, however, though Killswitch and Wayne got multiple cheap shots in on the champion. The referee caught Killswitch and ejected everyone from ringside. Strickland moved the steps from around the ring, but ended up being the one to go face-first into them before Wayne ran out from the back and hit a cutter. Cage hit a Killswitch when Wayne got Strickland back into the ring, but he kicked out. Prince Nana ran out from the back with a pipe to chase off Wayne.


Cage and Strickland battled onto the announce desk and Cage looked for the Killswitch, but ate a Swerve Stomp instead. Both men struggled to make it back in the ring, barely beating the 10 count. Cage looked for a spear, but Strickland caught him. He hit another stomp, then a House Call, before covering Cage for the victory.

