AEW Rampage Results 5/31 - TNT Title Ladder Match Qualifier, Women's World Title Eliminator Match & More

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results for "AEW Rampage" on May 31, 2024, coming to you from the Kia Forum in Los Angeles, California at a special start time of 6:30 PM ET!

The first entrant into the Ladder Match to crown a new TNT Champion at AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door on June 30 will be revealed, as Konosuke Takeshita goes one-on-one with Penta El Zero Miedo in a TNT Championship Ladder Match Qualifier with anyone else barred from ringside. New interim Executive Vice President of AEW Christopher Daniels announced the qualifiers and the Ladder Match this past Wednesday on "AEW Dynamite" (although he did not specify how many qualifiers there would be or competitors would be participating in the Ladder Match) after former titleholder Adam Copeland was forced to give it up as the result of an injury.


Rey Fenix joined forces with PAC and the aforementioned Penta to challenge The Bang Bang Gang's Jay White, Colten Gunn, and Austin Gunn for the Unified World Trios Championship at AEW Double or Nothing, but were ultimately unsuccessful. Tonight, the Death Triangle member has a shot to redeem himself from the loss as he collides with Isiah Kassidy of Private Party.

Following her successful defense of the AEW Women's World Championship against Serena Deeb at Double or Nothing, Toni Storm looks to emerge victorious once again tonight as she takes on Viva Van in an AEW Women's World Championship Eliminator Match. Should Van win, then she will receive a future shot at Storm's title. Van last competed in televised action in an AEW ring on the January 9, 2023 edition of "AEW Dark: Elevation", during which she came up short against current ROH Women's World Champion Athena.


Additionally, Satnam Singh and Kyle O'Reilly will be competing in matches of their own against two opponents who have not been announced.

We are live! Excalibur and Tony Schiavone greet audiences at home as Konosuke Takeshita and Penta El Zero Miedo are already waiting inside the ring.

Konosuke Takeshita vs. Penta El Zero Miedo in a TNT Championship Ladder Match Qualifier

The bell rings and Penta gets in Takeshita's face. He shoves him and hits his signature hand gesture, then lands a kick on his midsection. Takeshita fires back with a shoulder tackle, but Penta lands a pair of arm drags, but Takeshita lands a flying clothesline and a boot on Penta in the corner. Penta then delivers a backstabber, but Takeshita lands a forearm on Penta from the apron. The two then exchange forearms before Penta lands an enzuigir that sends Takeshita crashing to the outside. He then looks to land a superkick on him off the apron, but Takeshita sees him coming. He catches Penta's kick and sends him crashing onto the apron spine first.


The pair get back inside the ring, and Takeshita rains down right hands on Penta. He delivers a kick to Penta's spine, then rains down right hands on him in the corner and bites him. Penta lands an overhand chop on Takeshita, but Takeshita responds with a right hand. Penta lands another overhand chop, and Takeshita delivers another right hand. He rains down hammer and anvil elbows on Penta, then delivers a Brainbuster to him and shows off his biceps. Takeshita then fires off a couple more right hands on Penta.

Back from another break, Takeshita and Penta teeter on the ropes. Takeshita gets Penta on his shoulders, but Penta escapes and lands a hurricanrana. He follows it up with a pair of Sling Blades and flies over the top rope to level Takeshita on the outside. Penta gets Takeshita back inside the ring and ascends to the top, then looks to land a double stomp. Takeshita rolls out of the way and delivers a suplex to Penta, but Penta responds with a Michinoku Driver. Takeshita looks to land a knee on Penta in the corner, but Penta sees him coming and lands a Canadian Destroyer on him on the apron.


Penta goes for a pin, but Takeshita kicks out. Penta lands a superkick on Takeshita, but Takeshita catches him with a Blue Thunder Bomb and goes for a pin. Penta kicks out, and Takeshita sets up for the jumping knee. Penta avoids it, but Takeshita delivers a vicious right hand and a running knee for the win.

Winner: Konosuke Takeshita

We then head backstage to Renee Paquette, Chris Jericho, Bryan Keith, and Big Bill where Jericho announces he will be stepping down from his role as a commentator on "Rampage".

Back at ringside, "Daddy Magic" Matt Menard joins the commentary desk. Satnam Singh and Sonjay Dutt then make their way down to the ring, and Peter Avalon is already waiting inside.

Satnam Singh (w/ Sonjay Dutt) vs. Peter Avalon

The bell rings and Singh lays down in the center of the ring for Avalon to pin him. Avalon does so, but Singh kicks out and delivers several kneeling chokeslams to Avalon. Singh then locks in a Bear Hug, and the referee calls for the bell.


Winner: Satnam Singh

Back at ringside, Toni Storm, Mariah May, and Luther make their way down to the ring. Viva Van is already waiting inside.

Toni Storm (w/ Mariah May and Luther) vs. Viva Van in an AEW Women's World Championship Eliminator Match

The bell rings and the two go after one another. Storm lands a double chop on Van, then delivers a Hip Attack that sends Van crashing to the outside.

Back from the break, Storm lands a right hand on Van. Van responds with a kick that knocks Storm off her feet, but Storm responds with a backbreaker to Van off the ropes. She then lands a belly-to-belly suplex, and Van delivers the double boots to Storm's face. She then connects with a Scissor Kick and goes for a pin, but Storm kicks out. Van gets Storm in an Electric Chair position, but Storm escapes and connects with a German suplex. She then delivers a Hip Attack in the corner and follows it up with Storm Zero for the win.


Winner: Toni Storm

Kyle O'Reilly then makes his way down to the ring. Jordan Cruz is already waiting inside.

Kyle O'Reilly vs. Jordan Cruz

The bell rings and O'Reilly delivers a knee to Cruz's midsection. O'Reilly then lands a pair of kicks on his chest but Cruz responds with a back elbow. O'Reilly fires off right and left hands on Cruz and locks in a Cross Arm Breaker. Cruz taps out.


Winner: Kyle O'Reilly

Back at ringside, Rey Fenix and Alex Abrahantes makes his way down. Isiah Kassidy follows.

Rey Fenix (w/ Alex Abrahantes) vs. Isiah Kassidy

The bell rings and the two lock up. Fenix lands a dropkick on Kassidy, but Kassidy lands an arm drag. Kassidy looks to land a hurricanrana on Fenix off the top rope, and the two exchange strikes. Kassidy then delivers a poisionrana.


Back from the break, Kassidy fires off kicks on Fenix's midsection in the corner. He then delivers a hurricanrana to him off the top rope as Kassidy stands on the middle rope, then lands a gutbuster on his midsection. Kassidy connects with an enzuigiri on Fenix, then whips him into the corner and delivers a Stunner to him off the top rope. Fenix is sent crashing to the outside, and Kassidy flies over the top rope to level him. He gets Fenix back inside the ring.

Kassidy delivers a DDT to Fenix, then rains down right hands on him. Fenix fires off several right and left hands of his own, but Kassidy delivers a Canadian Destroyer on him. He ascends to the top and looks to land a Swanton Bomb, but Fenix moves out of the way and delivers a kick from the top rope. He then ascends to the top and delivers a Frog Splash. Fenix goes for a pin, but Kassidy kicks out. Fenix then sends Kassidy crashing into the mat for the win.


Winner: Rey Fenix

