AEW Dynamite Results 9/18 - Ospreay, Fletcher & Takeshita Take On The Elite, Orange Cassidy Faces Chris Jericho

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results for "AEW Dynamite" on September 18, 2024, coming to you live from the Mohegan Arena at Casey Plaza in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania!

Kazuchika Okada, Matthew Jackson, and Nicholas Jackson of The Elite will be colliding with Will Ospreay, his best friend Kyle Fletcher, and Fletcher's Don Callis Family stablemate Konosuke Takeshita in trios competition. Ospreay and Fletcher will be challenging The Young Bucks for the AEW World Tag Team Championship next week at the "Dynamite" Grand Slam special, securing their spot in the match after winning a Number One Contenders Tag Team Gauntlet last Wednesday.


Orange Cassidy and Chris Jericho look to settle their differences once and for all tonight as they square off with one another. Jericho has taken issue with Cassidy over the past few weeks due to being owed $7,000 for a suit jacket he poured orange juice all over a number of years ago, and tensions between the pair culminated on last week's edition of "Dynamite" when Jericho took Cassidy's backpack as him in retaliation before Cassidy and his Conglomeration stablemates Kyle O'Reilly and Mark Briscoe paid him back later that night by dumping coins amassing to that amount in Jericho's car.

AEW Women's Champion Mariah May will be joining forces with Serena Deeb for the first time ever to go head-to-head with Yuka Sakazaki and Queen Aminata. Not only did May defeat Aminata in singles competition last Wednesday, but she watched from the commentary desk as Sakazaki emerged victorious over Deeb this past Saturday on "AEW Collision".


We are live! Excalibur, Taz, and Tony Schiavone greet audiences at home as The Conglomeration makes their way down to the ring. Chris Jericho, Bryan Keith, and Big Bill follow.

Orange Cassidy (w/ Kyle O'Reilly and Mark Briscoe) vs. Chris Jericho (w/ Bryan Keith and Big Bill)

Keith, Bill, Mark, and O'Reilly join Cassidy and Jericho in the ring, and everyone begins brawling with each other as the bell sounds. Keith, Bill, Mark, and O'Reilly spill out of the ring, and Cassidy flies to level them all before Mark follows suit. Cassidy connects with a tope suicida on Jericho on the outside, then clocks him from behind with a right hand. He rocks Jericho with a second one from over the barricade, then dumps Jericho back in the ring.


Cassidy ascends to the top, but Jericho intercepts him with a chop and meets him up there. Cassidy fights off Jericho and looks to connect with an avalanche hurricanrana, but Jericho sees him coming and counters into the Walls of Jericho. Cassidy transitions into a roll-up, but Jericho kicks out and delivers a powerslam. He fires off a few chops on Cassidy and knocks him off the apron, then sends him crashing into the barricade.

Jericho dumps Cassidy back in the ring and hits a double ax handle on Cassidy off the ropes. He follows it up with a Lionsault and goes for a pin, but Cassidy kicks out. Cassidy then ascends to the top and looks to land an elbow drop, but Jericho gets his knees up. Cassidy dumps him out of the ring over the top, but Jericho levels him. The pair then find themselves on top of a road case before Jericho lands a back suplex on Cassidy off it through a table.


Back from the break, Jericho and Cassidy exchange right hands with one another. They rock one another with forearms, but Cassidy levels Jericho with a kick and fires off several more on him in the corner, but Jericho intercepts Cassidy with a clothesline. The two then teeter on the ropes, but Casidy fights Jericho off with a headbutt and connects with an elbow drop. Jericho responds by locking in the Walls of Jericho, but Cassidy makes it to the bottom rope to break the hold. Bill reemerges at ringside and lands a boot on Cassidy before Jericho goes for a pin. Cassidy kicks out and O'Reilly runs out to take down Bill. The pair then brawl to the back.

Jericho delivers a Death Valley Driver to Cassidy and fires off stomps on the side of his head, but Cassidy catches him with a DDT and a Tornado DDT. He ascends to the top and hits a diving DDT, then sets up for the Orange Punch. Jericho intercepts Cassidy with a Codebreaker, but Cassidy responds with a Beach Break.

Keith distracts the referee, but Mark fires off right hands on him. Jericho grabs a roll of coins and looks to clock Cassidy with them. Cassidy takes hold of the roll and lands the Orange Punch on Jericho using them for the win.


Winner: Orange Cassidy

We head over to a video from PAC and Claudio Castagnoli, where the duo warn Wheeler Yuta to show up for their AEW World Trios Championship defense next week. We then head over to Alex Marvez getting Yuta's response with the message, who agrees to defend the title with them.

Back at ringside, HOOK makes his way out to the ring. JD Ink is already waiting inside, and Roderick Strong has joined the commentary desk as Matt Taven and Mike Bennett stand behind him. 

HOOK vs. JD Ink

The bell rings and HOOK connects with a double underhook suplex on Ink. He lands two more suplexes and cinches in the Redrum before Ink taps.

Winner: HOOK

Back from the break, we then head over to a video of Kip Sabian crashing an interview between The Patriarchy and Renee Paquette.


Back at ringside, Serena Deeb and Mariah May make their way out to the ring. Yuka Sakazaki and Queen Aminata follow.

Mariah May and Serena Deeb vs. Yuka Sakazaki and Queen Aminata

Sakazaki and Deeb begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. Deeb levels Sakazaki with a shoulder tackle and connects with a Dragon Screw, but Sakazaki levels Deeb with a kick and tags in Aminata. Deeb looks to tag out to May, but May is distracted admiring her AEW Women's World Championship to notice. Deeb connects with a Dragon Screw on Aminata using the middle rope, then tags in May. May hits a missile dropkick, but Aminata rocks her with a right hand.


Back from the break, Sakazaki ascends to the top and lands a dropkick on Deeb. She takes down May with a hurricanrana and an enzuigiri on her, then pins Deeb but Deeb kicks out. Sakazaki then pins Deeb again, but May breaks the fall and delivers a German suplex to her. Animata lands one of her own on May, but Deeb takes down Aminata with one of her own.

Sakazaki connects with a modified Airplane Spin on Deeb and flies off the top rope to level Deeb, May, and Aminata on the outside. She dumps Deeb back in the ring and connects with a crossbody off the top, then goes for a pin. May breaks the fall by hitting Sakazaki with the AEW Women's World Championship, causing the disqualification.

Winners: Yuka Sakazaki and Queen Aminata (via disqualification)


After the match, May continues beating down Sakazaki with the title and berates her.

A Massive Ringside Brawl Ensues

Back from the break, Jon Moxley, Claudio Castagnoli, and Marina Shafir make their way down to the ring. Private Party appears out of nowhere and blindsides the trio, but Moxley, Castagnoli, and Shafir overpower him. Castagnoli lands a pair of backbreakers on Marq Quen in the ring as Moxley beats down Quen on the outside. Shafir gets in some shots on him, but Komander appears out of nowhere and dropkicks Castagnoli. He looks to fly out of the ring, but Castagnoli catches him with an uppercut. Shafir takes down Alex Abrahantes as Moxley grabs a hammer from a toolbox and tells both Private Party that they haven't gotten anywhere in the past five years. 


Castagnoli and Chafir hold Isiah Kassidy in place near the entrance ramp as Moxley hits Kassidy's hand with the hammer. Darby Allin then runs down to the ring with a skateboard in hand and clocks Moxley with it, then looks to hit him with it a second time inside the ring. Moxley escapes and Allin grabs a mic, then tells him that he's not the same person he was five years ago and will defeat him next week to become the next Number One Contender for the AEW World Championship.

Ricochet then makes his way down to the ring. The Beast Mortos follows. 

Ricochet vs. The Beast Mortos

The bell rings and Ricochet fires off right hands on Mortos. Mortos returns the favor, but Ricochet dumps him out of the ring and connects with a tope suicida. He dumps him back in the ring and connects with a clothesline off the top, then follows it up with a standing Shooting Star Press and goes for a pin.


Mortos kicks out and lands an arm drag on Ricochet, but Ricochet returns the favor and looks to land a hurricanrana. Mrtis lands on his feet, but Ricochet trips him. Ricochet hits a kick on Mortos that sends him crashing out of the ring, then looks to fly over the top to level him. Mortos catches him and powerbombs him into the ring apron.

Back from the break, Ricochet sends Mortos crashing into the middle turnbuckle and dials it up for a 619. Mortos responds with a Samoan Drop and goes for a pin, but Ricochet kicks out. Ricochet then dumps Mortos out of the ring, but Mortos sets up for a powerbomb on him. Ricochet counters it and levels Mortos, then dumps him back in the ring and delivers a 450 Splash off the top rope.


Ricochet ascends to the top, but Mortos joins him up there and sends him crashing into the mat with a press. He goes for a pin, but Ricochet kicks out. Ricochet connects with a Crucifix Bomb on Mortos, then stomps on his hand and sends him crashing into the mat with Vertigo for the win.

Winner: Ricochet

Back from the break, Tony Schiavone introduces "Hangman" Adam Page and he makes his way out to the ring.

We Hear From Adam Page

Schiavone asks Page what he meant when he put Swerve Strickland and anyone who would support him on notice last week after it appeared they had settled their issues in their Lights Out Steel Cage Match at AEW All Out, and Page says he knew the day would come when Strickland was done with and would be gone. He says he knew that Strickland wasn't the only person who would have to pay for what he put him through, and that includes all the people who stood behind him and supported him. He says the latter part of that statement applies to the fans, then says he hears one voice cheering Strickland on above them all from the commentary desk: Schiavone himself.


Page looks to attack Schiavone, but Jeff Jarrett's music hits and he runs down to the ring. Page rains down right hands on him as soon as he slides in the ring, then dumps him over the barricade and dumps him back in the ring. Jay Lethal, Satnam Singh, Karen Jarrett, security and other officials run down to the ring to separate the two men. Jarrett then grabs a mic and puts Page on notice for getting Schiavone's face.

We then head over to a verbal confrontation between Ricochet and Will Ospreay backstage, during which the former informs the latter that he will be challenging him for the AEW International Championship on October 2.

The Don Callis Family then make their way out to the ring. The Elite follows.


Will Ospreay, Kyle Fletcher, and Konosuke Takeshita vs. The Elite

Back from the break, Matthew Jackson and Nicholas double team on Fletcher, but Fletcher levels them with Snap Dragon suplexes and a pair of running kicks to them in the corner. He lands a Brainbuster on Nicholas in the corner and goes for a pin, but Nicholas kicks out.


Fletcher delivers a Michinoku Driver to Okada, then tags in Takeshita. Takeshita takes down Okada with a flying clothesline and goes for a pin, but Okada kicks out. Takeshita catches Okada with a DDT before The Young Bucks look to land a double superkick on Takeshita. Takeshita sees them coming and delivers a double clothesline to them, but gets leveled by Takeshita. Okada then lands a shoulderbreaker on Takeshita.

Back from another break, Nicholas delivers a splash off the top to Takeshitaas Matthew connects with a standing 450 Splash. Okada then lands an elbow drop on Takeshita before Matthew tags in and The Bucks set up for the EVP Trigger. Takeshita avoids it and delivers a double German suplex to The Bucks. Ospreay then tags in and connects with a springboard kick to The Bucks. He looks to deliver the Os-Cutter to Okada, but Okada intercepts him and sets up for The Rainmaker. Ospreay avoids it, but turns around into a kick from The Bucks. The Bucks double team on Ospreay and Matthew pins him, but Fletcher and Ospreay break the fall.


The Bucks look to land superkicks on Ospreay, but Ospreay catches them. The Bucks then deliver a double superkick on Ospreay and pin him, but Ospreay kicks out. The Bucks set up for the EVP Trigger on Ospreay, but Fletcher lands a helping hand to Ospreay and the two double team on Matthew. Fletcher then tags in, but The Bucks double team on him.

Okada levels Takeshita with a dropkick and sets up for The Rainmaker on him, but Takeshita responds with a Blue Thunder Bomb and flies over the top to take down Okada on the outside. The Bucks then look to double team on Fletcher, but Fletcher takes them down and pins Matthew. Nicholas breaks the fall, but Ospreay catches him with the Hidden Blade. Ospreay and Fletcher then deliver the Coriolis to Matthew for the win.

Winners: The Don Calls Family

