WWE Notes: ECW One Night Stand, John Cena, WWE Title; & More
Havasen Reddy sent in the following: It was previously reported in South Africa that ECW One Night Stand would not be broadcast here. However, this has changed as per below: Date: 03 July 2005 17:00 – 20:00 SuperSport One — WWE Specials: Ecw One Night Stand. Please note, Supersport broadcasts to over 30 countries.
Abby sent in the following: Just thought I'd let you know that John Cena's new album debuted at number 32 on the ARIA (Australian Record Industry Association) Charts. I didn't even know it was released in Australia yet and since he didnt even do promo's/instores for it, I guess thats pretty good! It just shows that he has a pretty big following Down Under. Not sure how it will go next week, but still, good stuff Cena!
Mark Baldwin sent in the following: I was surfing on NBA.com and found the pic of Wallace with the WWE Title. To view it, gto https://img.photobucket.com/albums/v334/DarthMarko/wallace_295_050623.jpg.