Backstage RAW News: Bret Hart Update, Trish, Masters Issues, Eugene; More

Some people within WWE question whether the creative team wants Eugene as a heel or face as it's very hard to draw a face reaction when your opponent is a 'hometown hero'. They have yes to test Eugene as a heel at house shows.

Bret Hart was not backstage at RAW last night. There are currently no plans for him to return although WWE is trying to get him for next years Hall of Fame and are working with him on the DVD.

Rob Conway is in for a major push as WWE management is very high on his looks. They are already starting to push 'The Con Way' gimmick and they feel his character has a ton of potential. They've got a lot of work to do judging by the current crowd reactions he's been receiving.

Speaking of WWE management, they are currently stuck with the current Chris Masters gimmick. Masters is going by what is given to him but it's clear to him and others that they don't have a current plan to end the "Master lock challenge". We'll keep you posted.

Trish Stratus' return was held off until SummerSlam as they want her to confront Ashley during the show. The plan had been set backstage at RAW as Trish was in the backstage area throughout the evening.

