Big Title Change Spoiler Inside, Hardy's Bio, Jericho; More

SPOILER: For those of you who don't catch Velocity on Saturday nights, this week may be a good time to do so as Nunzio defeated Paul London to win the Cruiserweight championship with the help of the debuting Big Vito, who distracted the referee and London which allowed Nunzio to take out London with a foreign object. Paul London later came out and cut a promo in the ring, saying he wanted everyone to march in protest to WWE Headquarters because he lost the Cruiserweight Title to "Two criminals".Velocity is actually being written by Court Baurer who has been taking the show and making some decent storylines.


Matt Hardy's bio has been added to the RAW superstars page and features video from RAW this past week.

Chris Jericho and Arn Anderson are the guests on Byte This tonight. Expect Jericho to be questioned about his current WWE status.

