Possible Huge SummerSlam Spoiler; & More
Here are several fan sent-in notes we received:
From sarbjit singh dhanoa : *SPOILER*:I was recently on the local pay-per view channel website and this is what they had written about Unforgiven: Nothing forgiven. Nothing forgotten. Everything gets Settled as the WWE Champion John Cena faces the only Gold Medal Winner in WWE History, Kurt Angle.
From SEAN THURMOND Hey man, I work at a sports talk radio station in Oklahoma City, and during my shift this afternoon we had a commercial about Unforgiven coming to OKC. Well, the beginning of the commercial hypes up John Cena a bit talking about how far he has come. Then it goes on to talk about if he will be able to stand up to the challenge of.......Kurt Angle. They are advertising Cena vs Angle for the main event. The only other wrestlers mentioned in the spot were Carlito and Christy Hemme. I just thought that this might be so info that you could use. Also, I do know that Ric Flair will be on the morning show on Friday, the day before tickets go on sale.
This appears to be true as Jericho is scheduled to leave WWE for a short time following SummerSlam to tour with Fozzy in Australia and just basically take a short break.