Major Backstage RAW News: TNA, Edge-Hardy, Announcement, Flair Injured

As announced on RAW last night, John Cena will defend the WWE title against Eric Bischoff in two weeks in Dallas, TX on the big October 3rd USA debut of RAW.

Also on the RAW 'Homecoming' will be a Ladder match featuring Edge and Matt Hardy in a Loser Leaves Town/Money in the Bank match where the winner leaves RAW and the winner gets a shot at the WWE title. This likely means Edge is being sent to SmackDown! to feud with Batista as he's far more ready than Randy Orton is Hardy goes to SmackDown! to likely feud with Orlando Jordan or Ken Kennedy.


It is very interesting to note that Vince McMahon never mentioned 'USA network' during his promo which means they can't mention the network because Spike TV said so or they are holding it off until next week which would be weird. The commercials that aired also did not plug USA. It's also interesting that when WWE left USA and went to Spike/TNN it was USA who allowed them to plug Spike/TNN. It's going to be very confusing for WWE fans when they tune in two weeks from now and see a live UFC special. They need to somehow get the crowd to chant USA, USA, USA. Maybe a Sgt. Slaughter or Hacksaw Duggan next week during the plug for the RAW homecoming?

Ric Flair was legit injured (eye) and saw a doctor as soon as he got to the back and again after his live backstage promo. We'll have an update shortly.


A very well done commercial promoting TNA aired during the second half of RAW with highlights of the Unbreakable PPV. There was a voice-over advertising saying "These are their faces. (They show Rhino, Styles, many others, no Hardy or Samoa Joe though). Some you may know. Some you may not. But you will come to know them once you see them in action. Spike TV brings you TNA Wrestling – Total Nonstop Action – a fresh spin on the sport for the new breed of athletes. Fearless, merciless, and heroic all with one goal – to stay alive in the six sides. Here talk is cheap because action just speaks louder. TNA premiers Oct. 1 at 11 on Spike TV." This was the best TNA promo yet.

(Partial Source: The Torch)

