More On Heyman & Future Plans, Striker's Heat, Bret Hart Update, & More

The following is from, a big source for MMA News: (Paul Heyman/MMA) Nikkan Sports editor Koichi Yoshizawa (or someone with the newspaper using the pen name of Dave Liable) is reporting that Tod Gordon (the founding father of the ECW wrestling promotion) is the man behind a new MMA project called XFC (Xtreme Fight Club). This is what some may have been referring to in regards to Paul Heyman (ex-ECW booker/owner) having "plans" to do an MMA event. Yoshizawa reports that the new promotion would be "a violent UFC-style" of MMA. NS claims that the fighters and rules for XFC will be announced in a few days. As noted here on the site, it'll be interesting to see if Heyman re-signs with WWE or if he goes and tries to help out this new company.

During an appearance at Ringsidefest in New York City over the weekend, Bret Hart once again stated that although he would like to have one final match with either Chris Benoit, Kurt Angle, or Randy Orton, he will never again step foot inside a WWE ring. Hart said Shawn Michaels has yet to apologize to him for the Montreal screwjob. He said he no longer is upset with Vince McMahon because he knew Vince was ruthless from day one. says "The Dicks" will make their debut on Velocity this weekend. The Dicks will be played by the former Tolands and appear to be similar to "The Johnsons" which bombed in TNA during their early months.

As noted here on the website last week, Matt Striker has received some heat after openly telling some of the road agents that the RAW locker-room was better than SmackDown's. When word got back to Chris Benoit, JBL, and Hardcore Holly, the trio was said to be upset. He was thrown out of the SmackDown! locker-room several weeks ago while there for a dark match. There is also a feeling on the RAW side that he is pushing his limits while trying to script his matches. Many feel he is a young newcomer and should just 'shutup and do what is asked of him'. It was also noted that JBL recently invited him out after a taping to grab a few drinks to try and 'get-to-know' him a little better and Striker refused the offer. This obviously didn't sit well with JBL. Striker was seen last week at RAW hanging out with the indy guys as well as the crew.

