***SPOILERS*** RAW taping results from Sheffield, England

Thanks to Paolo for sending in results from today's Raw taping in Sheffield, England. If you want to be surprised by tonight's Raw and this weekend's Heat, stop reading now!

Heat Results:

- Nick Nemeth won a squash match.


- Carlito defeated Taylor Phoenix.

- Gene Snitsky & Tyson Tomko defeated two local wrestlers.

- Viscera defeated Lance Cade.

- Lilian Garcia sang the UK national anthem, then Joey Styles and Jerry Lawler entered the arena to do commentary for Raw.

Raw Results:

- Raw opened with a video recap of the Raw vs. Smackdown rivalry, and the Raw opening pyro.

- The Raw team for Survivor Series came to the ring with Eric Bischoff and talked about the "rumors" on WWE.com that the Smackdown team was going to show up at Raw. They showed Todd Grisham waiting outside the arena for the Smackdown Team to arrive. Bischoff bragged about the plan he gave Edge and the Raw team to go to Smackdown and destroy Batista. Big Show got on the mic and said that no one can stop them, when JBL's limo arrived with Team Smackdown and Theodore R. Long. Shawn Michaels said that the Raw team had "no fear" and they headed out of the ring to confront them backstage, although Bischoff wanted them to remain in the ring. They went to commercial. For WWE Unlimited, they showed the Smackdown guys talking as they entered the arena.


- The Smackdown and Raw teams brawled backstage. Batista kicked Kane and Big Show into a car, JBL started brawling with Shawn Michaels, and Chris Masters put Rey Mysterio in a Masterlock. Big Show and Kane chokeslammed Batista onto a car, but then security came in and divided the wrestlers. For WWE Unlimited, they showed the Smackdown team helping Batista off the car.

- Ric Flair defeated Trevor Murdoch by pulling the trunks for the pin. Triple H came out, saying that "The Nature Boy is back" but that Sunday's Last Man Standing match is about surviving, and that Triple H would show Flair what he means later tonight.

- Rob Conway vs. Tajiri was next, but JBL ran in and clotheslined both men. JBL got on the mic, saying that Batista had to go to the hospital, and that he was calling out anyone from Raw that wanted to fight. Eric Bischoff came out onto the stage and said he would give JBL a match later tonight, with Shawn Michaels. For WWE Unlimited, a Kurt Angle interview was shown, playing off his rage over the "You suck" chants.

- Kurt Angle defeated Shelton Benjamin in a match with Daivari as the referee. Daivari favored Angle throughout the match, which was still a great bout. The "You Suck" chants were censored for TV.


- Kurt Angle got on the mic and asked for a WWE Championship match with John Cena at Survivor Series. Angle also said that Daivari is a "Proud American", pointing out that he is Arab-American. Daivari then spoke in Farci. John Cena appeared on the Titantron and said he was going to find out what WWE Superstars think of Angle. Cena walked around backstage, into the women's locker room, then finding Tyson Tomko & Gene Snitsky (leading to some gay jokes), and he then opened a door and found The Boogeyman. Cena continued to walk around looking for opinions on Kurt Angle, then headed to the ring and ran off Angle.

- Triple H vs. Val Venis was next. Triple H grabbed a chair and hit Val Venis with it, instantly getting disqualified, then continued to destroy Venis. Triple H ended the assault with a Pedigree.

- Backstage, Theodore R. Long asked to talk with Eric Bischoff. A video package was shown announcing that the Undertaker would return at Survivor Series. For WWE Unlimited, they showed Eric Bischoff and Theodore R. Long talking about Batista, then they went back to talking about the main event for tonight (JBL vs. Shawn Michaels), making it a Lumberjack match. Long also promised to slap Bischoff in the face at the Survivor Series.


- Mickie James, with Trish Stratus, vs. Candice Michelle, with Victoria, was next. Two masked men attacked Trish Stratus, and Victoria hit Mickie from behind, allowing Candice to score the easy pin. For WWE Unlimited, Mickie is shown running backstage trying to find Trish.

- We find out that it was MNM that got Trish, and Melina reveals that she is getting a Women's Title match with Trish Stratus at Survivor Series. It is also confirmed that at Survivor Series it will be WWE Champion John Cena vs. Kurt Angle, with Daivari as the referee.

- Maria interviewed Shawn Michaels about the main event, and for WWE Unlimited, Ric Flair was interviewed.

- Shawn Michaels vs. JBL in a lumberjack match was next. Michaels was accompanied by the Raw Team, while JBL was accompanied by the Smackdown Team, minus Batista. They worked in the ring for a while, but when they finally went outside the Smackdown guys helped JBL back into the ring, then attacked Michaels, with Big Show finally getting involved to get Michaels back into the ring and onto JBL for a two count. Later in the match, Michaels went out of the ring, and Bobby Lashley shoved him in. Michaels went for Sweet Chin Music, but Randy Orton pulled JBL out of the ring to protect him. Michaels later tried for a flying elbow drop, but Orton knocked him off the ropes into the ring. JBL measured Michaels for a clothesline, but Michaels caught him with a superkick. Randy Orton ran in and gave Michaels an RKO, and the match broke down into a brawl, with Kane and Big Show taking the advantage for the Raw team, including giving a double chokeslam to Lashley. However, Batista ran out and gave Kane and Big Show spinebusters, laying them out to end the show.


- After the show was over, Batista held up an Eddie Guerrero T-Shirt, and the crowd broke out in an "Eddie" chant. He then exited the ring with Eddie Guerrero's music playing.

