Backstage TNA News On Team 3D, Sting Update, & More
Source: Wade Keller of
A few TNA wrestlers have been vocal as of late in regards to Sting coming back to TNA. Despite some wrestlers feeling this way, Sting has expressed to TNA management that he wants to help the company and use his star power to establish new stars. One TNA source even described Sting as sounding very motivated. Many are taking a wait and see approach.
Brother Devon (formerly D'Von Dudley) is said to be working out harder than ever right now to get in the best shape he can to show up WWE management after the company opted to not renew their deals earlier this year. Although not confirmed, there are said to be some "whispers" going on within TNA that it would be nice if Brother Ray (formerly Bubba Ray Dudley) would take on the same attitude and try to get in better shape as well.
On a related note, Brother Ray's stiffness in the ring as of late in TNA is reportedly becoming an issue with some wrestlers in the company. Despite some wrestlers being upset, others are said to be happy with how stiff Ray was with America's Most Wanted since Chris Harris and James Storm have taken on a reputation for being protected by TNA management and having larger egos since being put together. Of the two, James Storm is said to have the worse reputation. In regards to some of Ray's chest chops during matches, one TNA wrestler told The Torch, "He's just a jerk about it. And he's always been that way. That's what you get with him."
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