Huge Update On Major SD! Situation With Orton & Batista

Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

– There was a major shake up in the SmackDown storyline plans at the tapings on 11/22 in England. Randy Orton was supposed to win and take the title from the injured Batista, however that s not how things went down.


With the talk of putting Randy Orton up against several baby faces for a long run as champion, Batista volunteered to work through his rehab, and get in the ring for large shows. WWE decided to keep the title on him for showing this kind of dedication.

The plan was for Orton to square off against The Undertaker in a Hell In The Cell to headline Armageddon. However, with Batista refusing to take any time off, those plans seem to be out the window.

It doesn t look like anyone told Batista to do it, but that he did so both out of gratitude for everything the company has done for him, and also so he doesn t lose his top spot at all the PPVs which is a big money deal.

The big problem for WWE management with this is that Batista is working with a torn lat, after volunteering not to have surgery because of how long he would be out, while at the same time the company is trying to get a handle on the painkiller situation.


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